Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

Ctap.t4. 4Conrnientaryupon the AcTs. 159 Verfe 77. He left not himfelf] Here they might objeft, that God in fuffering melt fo towander, fhewd not himfelff fo kind and bountiful]. The Apoífle anfwers that Goáhad fuflicieutly fealed uphis generali love and goodnefle,in doing good,giving rain from heaven. &c. Starres are the ftore-houfes of Gods good treafiire, which he openethtoour profit, Deut.28. r2. By their influence they make a fcatterof riches upon the earth, which good men ga- ther, bad men fcramble for. Every of theheavenly bodies is a purfe of gold , out of whichGod throws down riches andplenty upon the earth. eflndfruitfull feafons] IfSt. Paul had thought well of the Sybilles Oracles ( faith learnedBeza) it was wonder hehad not herementioned them. Cafaubonand obfoteti reckon them for no better then officious lyes. . Verfe 19. eflnd there came thither] The Devill, whenhe is driven to his laff íhift , flits up his inftruments to ufe violence, which yet prevaileth not. Verfe 20. He rofe up] He !farts up when frone&with afc, fie oportet intrare; fo heaven is gottenbypaines., by patience, byvio- lence, perfecution being. our infeparable companion. Sic pctitur clum. Verfe 22. Wemuff throughmuch tribulation] Planavia adpa tr'iam ctelcflemefl crux, faith one. If there be any way on horfe- Malcolm; back toheaven, furely this is the way, faid anotherMartyr. If any Bradford: think to go to heaven without tribulation, he muft(as the Em- perour Conflamine told the Heretick eArccfu) ereft a ladder, and Eîigitorcafam ga. up alone. Some there are that take upa delicate profellion ; ó foinsafcen- they woulddivide betwixt Chrift andhis Croft, but they are fair- dice . ly miftaken. Some think to go to heaven in a whirl-wind , oras the pafl'engers at Sea be brought tothe haven, fleeping. But what faith Zanchy-, Non decet ut fub capite f inis cor-onata vivant membra indelicijs. 14 eque frumenta in horreumreponuntur, nifi flabellts bené Zarch. mifce1 a paters, ariiis, ci glumis repurgata. Neque lapides in templo Solo- ÈpifE, dedicat.. moniscollocamur, ni/i fcalpelli.s &malleisbeni cefi.- If the heàd. were crownedwith thorns, the members muff not dream ofa de- licacy. The !tones were not fet into SolomonTemple, till heaven, neither is the corn brought into the gamer till winnowed. Verfe 23. Ordained them-Elders] Giving their votes by lift- ing up their hands, after the faíhionof the Greeks whence that titr7"4*. lly,porrexerunt mantis, pfephfmt natram eft, Qr elfe laying °`w "`'