A Commentary upon the ACTS. Chap.z5 on theirhands , as theApoftlesirfed to do inordayningof Mini.. fters. Stephanus faith, that thiswordwhen it governeth an accu- fativecafe(ashereitdoth) lignifies not togive fiufsage, but to create, ordain, elec61. Verfe 27. Prezchee(the word in Verga] A Citie of Pamphy lia, muclt addicted to theworfhip of Diana, whowas therehence called Pergea. Çratia nullo modo eft gracia, lux MX eft gra- tuita , faith Anrufin. Note this againft the doéïrine of Merits forefeen and free-wilt. CHAP. XV. Verfe r. e/indcertain men &c.] r-s4 the Heretick , withhiscomplices, faith Ep ph csitts. 4...--,Thefe are fàid to fultvert theGefftcl., gal, i. 7. A little thing untoward mingled, marrs all,faith'ChryAliorn. Verfe 2. NO fmrrll dif entionj We mull earneftlycontend for the faith of theGofpel , accountingevery parcell of truth preci- Non cir;rmci- ous yude 3. How zealous was 'Paul in this cafe, Çal. 3.5. (5 r. 7. dart;,r mod° r 2. He wifheth them not onely circumcifed,but fervedas-the feel aófrin- 5. dewme.Chryf Turks do their Eunuches,, whom they depriveof all their genitals, Heyt". Ges. fQ that they are forced to fupply the ufes of nature with'afrl, P, 598. .vet quill Verfe S. But there rofeup] Thefe are not Lukcs worsts ,: but theApofiles continuing their fpeech : They declared all things that God had done withthem, and how they had been oppofed by certain of the Pharifeesfee`t; &c. Verfe 6. And theApofbies and Elders &c.] This was the firft Chriftian Councell. The four following Generali Councels C/re Nicen. con- gory the great held of equall authority ahnoft with the four Go- ( E- fpels. Inpoft-erioribus Concilijs (faith Luther) nunquam de fide,fed P riv! fèm erde o inionibus & a ionibtts ust di utatorn : tat mihi Con-' 'éelcedtenfer p p' . f . eiliorum- nomen pone tam fufeElum & invifum fit quam nomen li- ben arbitrii. He fitly compareth thelate PopifhCouncels to the meeting of Foxes, which going about to fweep a room with their tails,raife duff but rid none. Verfe 9 Purifying their heartsbyfaith) Faith (as a neat huf- wife).fweeps dean , andfuffers nevera:fluts-corner in theEouL It isever: purging upon corruption, and. lets out the life-blood of it : for