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Chap.i i. ACommentary upon the Acis. 161 for it thews a man a betterproject thento lye fucking at the bot- ches ofcarnal' pleafures, or, tobebafely affixed toearthly.profits. Every true beleever beareth a bruth at his back, as we fay of a trimman. Verfe io. Now therefore , why temptye cod] Or (as Hierom in acertainEpiftle toefluguftin reads this text , and fo it runs more fmoothly) Why attempt ye toput ayoakupon the neckof the Difeiples, &c. Verfe 12. Then all the multitude kept pence] See here the picIureof a lawful! CouncelF, guidedby theWord and Spirit of God. It was-not a Cyclopicall Affembly, ubi éJ is &dti`a iAuas ¿e nor as in Alcibiades his army , where all would be Leaders, no Learners, &c. Verfe 13. Jamesanfwered] Whofeemedtobea pillar , qal. 2.9. and was fo, bothof the Colledge of Apoftles, and of the Church at yerufalem. Verfe 15. And to thisagree &c.] The Scripturesmutt over- rule :as Cyrilfaith in aSynod at Ephefus, uponan high throne in the Temple there lay fanllum Evangelium, the holyGofpel. Verfe 18. KnoWn unto god&c.] And confequently the calling of the Gentiles is fore -known and fore-appointedby him , as a thing to be done in due time, though they be never circumcifed. Verfe 20. Andfrom fornication] Which is here reckoned a- mong things indifferent, xm dà' av, & r sÉ a becaufe the Gentiles efteemed it (falfely) a thing indifferent. Non eft flagitium (mihi Terent,Adelph crede) adolefcentulumfcortarì, potare,fores efringere, faid he in Te- 4E1 t. Scen.2. rence. So in theTurks Alchoran, the Angel being demanded con- cerning Venery, is brought in, anfwering , That God did not give Blunts voyage. men fish appetites to have them fruftrate , but enjoyed, as made for the guft of man, not for his torment, whereinhis Creatour de- lights not. But what faith the Scripture ? 'whoremongersand adul- terers God will judge. Verfe 21. For Mofes of old time C c. ] This is alleadged as a reafonwhy they fhould as yet abftain from thofe indifferents, be- caufe the Jews, having been accuftomed to Mofes his writing, couldnot quickly be drawn to let go the legali ceremonies, which were now to have an honourable buriall, by degrees to be abolifh- ed. The Ceremonies before Chrifts pailìon were neither deadly nor dead : After his Pàfiion they were not deadly for a time, (whiles theTemple flood) thoùgh deadafter a fort,But fromOut X time