Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

A Commentary opon the ACTS. Chap.' 5. time forward, they wereboth deadand deadly,faith4quinu. xva?xxvúou- Verfe =21. Subverting your fnuts] Pulling down thatwhich. 75s had beenLet np, raveliitng out that which shad been well knit before. Verfe .26. Men that have hazarded their live ese-c. e ancient . copie addes# ave ra r6..., óf to all forts of ftryalls and tribusla. Lions. Love, as 'it t is apaffion, foitis tryed rather laypa oa sxhen actions. Verfe. í8. For it feemedgood-to the holyghofl] That's only a ladvfuM.Synod ,.wherein the holy Choit ispreterit and..prefidente Nothingwas refolved by the Trent -fathers , bntwll in ?lame : fo that a blafphernous Proverb was generally:ufed, which forbearto relate : Let him that lift readit in the Haft, of Count. of Trema fol. 49,7. See alfo %a2. ' T'hen rhefe necey. things] Not alwayes and everywhere ne- ceflary ( except that of fornication to be avoided) but neceffary for preferving thepeace ,o®f theChurch as--thenit teas, 'bybearing with theweaker Chriftiarss. Things inconveniem,'even in.Matters of Religion, maybedone in{omexafes,.to redeem afarworft g convenience. Thefe burthens areherecalledneceffary.things, and they are faid to do well, if 'they'obferved them, verf.a9. Seetthe'Note on Chap. 16,3. Verfe t9. Andfrom forniçation]". onte Greek copies adíe, And whetfoeoeryewouldnot tJhouldbe done toyou, .thatyedonot àlie fame to others which:is.a.eneraul_rule, and a foundationofrhe:_ former. Wife 3r. They rejoycedfir the confolation] How thouldwe_- rejoyce inChhlft our"Saviarrr;whobate ,our fins, &c.:and freed :ns, from the,burden and!brunt of both crime and rurfe 'Wife -34' To<eib de there frill] Upon focond.rhoughts , after.: he had leave to depart, he Raid therea while longer. This Silru:is" thought to be the fame with Silvanus, as yofhua is the fame.wwith -. 7hofua, Hag. 2.a..2ach,..3, Verfe 37. To tape with them john]. Who was arnabashis lifters fon , Colof. 4. io. Hence Barnabas miglrtbe fo'defirous to promotehim. Paul was alto afterwards better conceited ofhim ä., as maybefeen Colof 4.10. Verfe 38. Who departed from them] Providingfor his .own efe : forihey'werethenstö' akea tedious and dangerous journey over thehighhillMsroi r This aw41ik ilnot,lbutieft-dhent,:awl -- q nthiswa es, Verfe