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Chap. tG A Crtnrmerrtary NMI the ACTS. =63 Verfr 3q. e"Lxitheçoutenrion arc.] The PanoxyJme, orfit of a feaver, fo greatwas the commotion, the perturbation. St. Luke beinga 1?hyfitian (faith Brentius) ufeth here aphyficall expreffion. Heedmuff be taken that weoverfhoot not in thebeft canes, left if we beover-hot, Gods wrathbekindled againft us. There is amuff fad fltoryof thediffentions between Luther and. Carololiadim,both goodmen.. And anotheras fad of Chafe that fled to Prankeford, hence in QyLieeri Marier dayes.: yet among them therewere fuch grievousbreaches, that they fought the lives-one of another, pick- ing out forne words againfì<theEmperour,in a Sermon thatMallet Cnox had preached in England long before; and now accufing hint for them to the Magiftratesof Prankeford; upon which, di.. vers of them were faineto fly. That they departedafunder] And we readnot that they joyned any more together after this. Barnabaa we findehalting together withPeter Gal, a. 13. rather then he would walk uprightly toge- therwith his oldaffociate Paul. ver£ i4. for thewhich 'Paul re- proved Peter,who yet makethhonourablementionof Papal, aPee. 3. 11. whichwashisholy ingenuity. But muchtobe commended wereBafiland Eufebius, who perceivingthe Arrians to improve a differencebetwixt them to the prejudiceof the Orthodox,were foon reconciled, and united their forces agar the common enemy. CHAP. XVI. Verfe I. But his father zoos aGreek, OrbbyNation-and Religion. Thiswasan unlawful! marriage ExuL 34. `Dent.7. and might be a means tohumblethegood woman, when once fhe came to afight of her fin. David'hadhis heft children byBatbjheba, as Solomon, Nathan , of whom came Chrift, &c. God can turnour fins teour good and comfort : as the skilful! Apothecary can make of a poyfonfull Viper a whol- fome triacle. Verfe 3.. Took andeirctrmcfeedhim}PaulcircumcifedTimothy, as a Gentile : in that, fora Jew to be circumcifed was no yeeld- ance : Andthofe words, They all knees his fathertobe aGreek, de- monftrate, hewent in eftimationfor a Gentile. Calvin refufing to átil inili:et theeCammaat}¡ iaxGeneva,- and to Life therein unlea- -Xxx z Tae.9"Evol.tor. s.