164 , A' Commentary upon the ACTS . Chap: i4 vened bread , orwafer -.cakes, was compelled to depart the City; and was not received thither-again , untill he had allowedof the fame kindof bread. De qua pofl-erct reflitutus ntmquameontenden- Bezo invita durnputavit : minime }amen difmulans qúid alioqui magic effet Calvini. probaturus.. See theNote on Chap.15.a8. Verfe 6.. Andwereforbidden &c.] This wasa heavier judge- ment upon thofe coats , then to be denied an harveft, or the light ofthe Sun. Prize thepreaching of the.Gofpel as afingular priviledge. They that are withouta teachingPriest are without God, 2 Chron.15. 3. Therewere Embaf adours.fent.out of Nu- bia inAfique to the King ofHabaia, to,intreat him fora füpply< AlvarezHitt. of Minifters toinítrut their nation , and repair Chriftianity gone rhiop.c. r 37 to rtiine among them : but they were reje&d. Amos his fa. mine oftheWord isfar more deplorable then. Samaria's famine ofbread in that {trait feige. Verfe 7 . But the ffairitfuffered them not] The fpirit (till luí}4 eth again{' the flefh,and the flesh againft the fpirit in the hearts of the regenerate; fo that they cannot dowhat they would,Gal:5..I 7. As they cannot do what good. they would in regard' of the flesh, fo neither what evill they would in regard of the fpirit. Verfe 8. came downe toTroas ] The reliques of old Tray; called alfa eflntigonia and efllexandria., as any teftifieth.. Verfe 9, IntoMacedonia andhelp n ] TheMinifters are thofe bywhomGod helpethhis perishing people and pulleth them out . of thedevils danger. Hence they are called Saviours, Obad. 21. . T Tim. 4. 16. Redeemersob 33.24.28. Co-workers withChrist, 2 Cor. 6. 1. Verfe 13. And on the Sabbath]` A day that God hath faneti- fled tobe a meanes to convey fandity into the hearts Ofhis hidden ones , as here of Lydia the Purpurifle, Ezek, Io,12. It is his Ex- chequer-day, his market-day. Whereprayer was Wont to be made] Or where was a publicke Oratoury,_ So the Synagogues are called by. Philo, in hisAmbaf cage to.Caiusthe Emperour,min.es invidiofo nomine. unto the women Whichreforted] Saint Paul (it may feem) at first had noother hearers but.a few women at_Philippi. But after- wards they became a flourishing Church. Verfe 4. Whofeheart the Lordopened] . Mans heart is natur- ally locked up and barricadoed againft úod, till he, by his mighty Spirit, make forcible entrance, beating thedevill out of.his tren. chesäz Cor.IO.4. Verfe 15G-