Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

c11ap.. 6 A Commentary upon the ACTS. Verfe 15. Ifye have judgedme to be'faithfull] Not elfe : upon no other conditionBoth fhedefìre it for hypocrites are the bot- ches of fociety ; as Augufttu was wont to terme his three un- Sueronn,4rag, toward children, tresvomicas trig carcinomata, three mattery im- cap rç. poftumes, or ulcerous fores. Verfe 16. Poffef fed with aJJ'irit &c. ] _Thefe the feventy Se- .niours ufually call ivezqugcu'9ès becaufe the devill fpakeout of their bellies. For which caufe alto the Hebrewescall them °both or bottles; becaufe thebellies of:thofe women that were thus made $CZa:ïnlòç. ufeof by thedevill were fwelled as big asbottles. In the yearof grace I 5 36. acertain damfel at Frankf>srt inGermany, being poffe.f- fedwith a devill, and ftark mad, . fwallowed down peeces'of mony withmuch gnafhing ofher teeth : which monies were prefently wrung out ofher hands , and kept- by divers, &c: This is á true Buc(,olc. Ebr. ftory reportedby Andrew Ebert the Minifter ofthe place,. who wrote the fame to Luther, requeftinghis;advice : which, was, to prayhard for her; tic. Verfe 17. Thefe men are thefervants ] Satan _et femel;videa- tur verax, millies eft mendax femperfallax.Markx ;25.7oh.8.47 Verfe 18. Paul beinggrieved] Paul tookno joy in filcha tee. ftimony. High words become not a foole. To bepraifed by a_ praife-leffe perfon is no praife at all... Verfe z9. Theirpines Weregone iFsl w wasgoneforth toge ther With the devill. They that count all fifh that comes tonet will. in the endcatch the devil' and-all.. Yòti. are-his birds, faith Brad- Bradf. Serm.of ford to filch, whom when thedevill hath well fed,, he will. broach-Nep.p 7a4' you, and eat you, chaw you, and champ youworld without end,in eternal! woeand mifery. Verfe 20.Trouhle our City ]: Faithful! preachers have ever been by the wicked accounted trouble,townes .; Thefe cove tonscaytiffes hadnot fo much ingenuity as the Devill himfelf, v.17. Verfe 21. Neither toobferve ti-.1. An ordinary thing to op- pole the placits and devicesofmen to the truthof God. Verfe 23. Laidmanyfiripes ] Thefe,were thofe markes ofthe. LordWas which the Apoftles fo gloried of , as an old fouldier dothof his fears andwounds received in battle. Hafuns germ er pretiofa_ ornimenta Dei faid Munfter.,concerning his ulcers whereofhe died : So might Paul andSilas wellfay of their (tripes. ' -c dvuázpcltoga, Txs. wysuwernas ;uapya?í-rcts faith;Ignatites in his E_ piftleto thepphefians, hear my bonds as fo many fpiritual pearls- of price,. Xxx 3 Vests: