i66 A Commentary upon the ACTS. Chap.i6. tov Verfe 24. .Fafi ixÀhefi,ocler ] The word fignifìeth fuch a mega. pair o ftocks, a&whereirthey ufed to make Taft feet and neck tdef , faithPewout of 1V'onitee. Verfe ag'. SattgpraiferttntoGod] His pretence turrrsaprifon into a pallase, into a paradife: From the delegable' Orchardofthe &. & Mon. Leonine prifon; " So the ItalianMartyr A1gerim dated his Letter oí,857. to a-friend. I was- carried to theCole-houfe, faith Matter Phil- pos, ` where I , withmy fellowes , ,do route together in the ftraw bid 163;., aschearfiu.115r, wetha-n'kGod :,, ass- others do in theirbeds ofdourie. hilipLaanfdraveofHefre,beinga longtinteprifonerunder Charles the "Fifth was demanded what upheld him at that tiare ? He 'anfwered ., that he felt the divine.,confolations of the Mar- tyrs. Verfe 2E. There tiros a great earth-gtdak! ] See the greatpo- werofprayer. It fhakethíseaven and earth. Ltker faith there is a kindofomnipotency in it. Verfe 27. And the keeper of the prifon 3. Inwhomthe earth- "takehad wrought anheart-quake , as it had alto (thougfnot to fro goodpurpofe) in theMagittrates, verfe 35. Read the Note thereon.. Yorfe.. 29. And'prang ix] As Has the Evangelift , withlike ia"o"T0 feed (prang out of the Birth., when Cerinthus the heretick l3xnxreiu:Eaf. came into it, left force evil!, for his fake, fkould befall him from heaven.. Verfe ;e.. what milk /01.0 to befaved?] A reverend DivinePaid once to apoor foul, that told him, he was troubledabout his falva- lion ; I tell thee, faidhç it is-able to trouble the whole world. Verfe 31. 73eleeve on the Lord'efus] This is the condition on our part required : or rather aftiputation that God hath promifed to work .. in us andfor us. Verfe 3a. And theyfppketento him] So Mailer Tindall, during the timeofhis imprifonment , converted his Keeper , together A.1. & Mon. with the Keepers daughter, and others of his houfhold. Alfo the .985 re&that werewithhim in theprifon faid,That ifTindall werenot a good Ckrri4tian man ,_ they could. not tell whom to truft. The word of God is not bound, faithPaul the prifoner. His bonds Phi1ip.x.13. were rnanifeftinall Cefar.c court, and to allothers. Verfe 3,3. He and all. his ftraight-Veayes ] Gods work isof greatefl.importanct . andmuftbe prefently done, whatever elfe is, lef&iindsine.. Ifje-Wikeopirerottpsio, retorße, cow , If 21. I a. Verfe 34