dhap. t 7. Cosraerttarynpa7aa ibe Ac'TS . i67 Vv tie "34. And rejv ed, beleeving ] A'prickwith apin, may, and cloth many let out corruption aswell as Wincing. Some fuffer more throws inthenewhbirth, fome leffe. But many meet with ,greateft trials and terrours after converfion ; when men take little,fines, they meane to take the moretent. Verfe 35: The.tldagiflrates lent ] one ancient Greek copy there is thisaddition,. Andwhen it w.0day, the Alagiflrates met . éogetherin the1 .a etplace : and caning to mind the ear.th-eptake. that hadbeen that"tight , they feared, andpent 'the Sergeantsfaring, Let theft teen go. See verfe 27..: Verfe ;7. They have beaten mt' ] & Roruanrby the Valerian- Law , . might not be bound by theTorcian Law, he might natbe beatenor put todeath, but 'by the 'Romans thernfelves, with the eonfent ofthepeople. Thispriviledge,Pax/pleads , andwell.he might, for thename of a Roman ,citr2,en was tterrible. to other nations., Though we may mot setnrne evlll for evitl ,. yet we may ufe all lawful! means to right and fecure our felves. r-, Anfátaaiù?.do.theyehrnft Att Ortt ? ] cl < kor sá/lerthe.Chancellour. s ametowillia>,'wo«iyttheMat r., whomlieha4 imprifoned,and faid; Thou dolt muchtrouble.myconfcience: wherefore I pray thee depart, and rule :thy tongue,tfo that I hear.no more complaint AEI. gt of thee : and come to Church when thou wilt, and:ifthou be :corn- I557 plainedof fo afar as :I may I promu e thee I willnotrhea.r-of it. Mailer Doceor,,quoth he,.Iwas tirortgght hither by a Law, andby a I,,awdwill beielivered,F&c, `CHAP+ XVIJ. Verfë- r.:kY'here'wa= aSynagógate qfthelcwes'] Hodid:rruch.hurt{there:b.y theircrofleaeflé, /either plea- tingGod ,"norprofiting men, rTheffa. 2. ;.5. Verfe 2. -Orrt of theSeripture.r] Wherein they were;vvonderous :xpert, Q2ilibec nofPrúmdelege,intoarragatt'.r frxcslire.r.gcrztmt?orze>a fiaaxmxeoitat,, faith 7ofephu.r. We lave the S,sri.pturesat:oxir.fin- gets .ends. Verfe 3. ..glledging ] Or laying it foplain -before theiveyes,,kunS,`Fes_ that theyc,ottldsnót butfeett, tnnleífepheywexeofthofegtat' fef6u- vr. a,mlartee,untssnde,.vezalax.f:biwetvtnt, ïaS.y.`tr.ttaedtatir_it,: who fee& Ptraavg.ito:pUttutshc.irawA gypvu'tebitil.. Verfe l> Mon. ,