A Commentary tapon the AcTS. Chap.' 5. Verfe 4. Conforted with Paul ] were knit unto them in the ftraiteft.bonds, as man anal wife , :brother and Sifter : SànEtior eft ide Beza copula cordis quam.corport-s, 'No fttch.bond as religion. ;not. Verfe 5. Ofthe balerfort] Viles & venales, faith one -, Vagi., otiofique, faith another , fuch as had little to do, but towalk the ftreets, and runne on.errands, the rafcallity and finck ofthe Eç'x: City. Set all the City on an uproare .] .usa perturbato flax melius confequi valent quodvolunr.. The devil! loves -to fifh in troubled: waters. When he bath fet all on a hurry , . as in Saul, then he- can the fooner-enter; and play his pranks. -So can his inf}ru- ments; nzsxzry s ';Verfe E. Turned :the world &c j: Elias was called the Troubler ofIfrael , Luther the Trumpet.Ofrebellion. It,is not'tl Gofpel , but menscorruption that breeds the trouble : As -it ig not the fea, but the foulneffe ofmens ftomacks that makes them. fea-fick. ,zao Verfe 7. whom Jafon bath received] (lanculúm excepit , fo 4 Erafmus well rendereth it hathclofelyand covertly entertained them , as Obadiah did the Lords Prophets. Tacit. Contrary to the decrees of Gafar ] Vnicum crimen eorum, qui crimine vacabant. iu;hrszP,u. Verfe i i. Thefeweremorenoble] Better gentlemen. Vertue is Maud ofa thoufandEfcucheons. Since thouhaft been precious in myfight , thouhaft been honourable, Efay43.4. The Noblesof Ifrael made their ftaves(the Enfignes,haply, of their honour)inftru- ments of the common good , Numb. 21. 18. When theNobles of Tekgah are blemished in their blood for this, that theyput not their necks to the Workoftheir Lord, Neh. 3. 5. TheBifcanies vaunt of themfelves among theSpaniards, that they are the right Hidalgoes, that is Gentlemen, as the Welfhmendo here. But Chriftian No- bility is the beltand trueft , where God himfelf is the top of the kin, and religion the root; in regardwhereofall other things are but fhadowes and fhapes ofNobleneffe. The Jewes of Berrea were more noble,or.ofbetter defcert: Nonper civilem dignitatem, fedper ffiiritualem dignationém,as one faith : Not by civill'defcent, but by Ipirituall advancement. Verfe i Thereforemany ofthem beleeved] . There are certain abilities and adiOns we have, and may performe'without fpeciall grace : in the, imployment.whereof we are to expeë«the etfecualf work ol. Breerwoods Eugrzir.p.50.