I70 A. Commentary upon the ACTS. Chap.i7:. of feafon &c. volentibus, nolentibus. Verfe i 8. Certain Philofophers ec..] The deep Theoremes of Philofophy(fail'King nmes ) make one learned, but feldorne bet ter and oftentimes worfe , meer Atheifts.. There is an Aràbick vpen.cent.z. proverb :. Cum errateruditus errat erroreerudito... And Indaîii Pruv.28. rapiunt cælun faith.eifag. Melior eft humilis ruflicus qui Deafer vit, quamfuperbus Philofophus &c.. faitha devout Dominican. What Will thifbablerfay . ?] Scminilegat, by a metaphor from P í,6y0-: little birds, that yeeld neither good meat , nor goodmufìck , but onlypick upgraine,and live byother wens labours. Mafter Rogers Ash. &M1353. (our late protomartyr) interpreteth it a prater,trifier, newes-car- ner, that tels whatfoever-men will have him forgain; that will fov a piece ofbread faywhatyou will have him, e4fetterf or"tla of firanergods ] Rogers renders.it ,. erfpreachen ofnew devils. refus andtheRefurreaion] 'naflafis, or theRefurredion they took forfome new goddeife, faith,Decumenitms. Verfe 19. Brought himuntoAreopagus] ;Acruel' Court, where Laeseiu , Socrates loft his life for the very famecrime that Saint Paul ishere charged with ; viz. an indeavour to introduce- new Deities. That the Apoftle came off not only with fafety, but force fiicceffe, (,for Dion/fit/4 one ofthe Judges was converted) fee a fweet.pro, vtidence. Paul wanted a place to preachin : they .broughrhim.to Areopaç'us as a.delinquent, wherehe hath an opportunityofdoing God a great deal ofgood fervice. So Charles the Fifth Emperóur fe_nt the confeflionof the Próteftaht churches to diverfe Princesof Europe to ask their opinions : Hereby theGofpel was exceeding, sehat A4na' ly fpred and-propagated; which gave occafion to. Luther to deride 274. `7 ontificiorum' fiultaxra fap entiam the foolifh wifdom of the Pa pies in a certain epiftle to the E1edour ofSaxony. Verfe , 21.Forall the Athenians &c.] The.felf-fame truth is tc- auH"s Ucr, mgr- ftifed by.., `Demoflhenes in an anfwer toPhilips Letter. We .( faith zv s vaa'A he tohis country,men of4thens)to fpeak truth, fit here doing no- ry,S+íw.9u' thing but trifling out our time,, and Halingwhat newes abroad. 74"vvSu6 .'cr This their nationall itch after novelties , made them the morewil- si 77 gye'tt`; ling tobearPau/ fpeak. It is not amiffe to hearken how it goeth ewT`' with theChurch, that we may rejoyce with thofe that rejoyce, and weepwith thofe that weep. Cum fngulr"peîíùs mew); copulo, faith C'yprian. Eli fat to hear what becameofthe Ark : which when it war taken, it is hard to faywhether was firfli brokehis heart orhis Verfe 22_,_