Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

172 A Commentary upon the ACTS . Chap. t g. As certain alfo ofyour own Poet] Note that the Apoftle nameth, n9t A¿áatus, whom he citeth, thoughhe were his own Countrey man, a Cilician : notwithftanding the Piety of. that Poets begin- ning, Ew o«s wçx N. , or the divinenefleof his fubjeet, the Hea- vens, a more fublimeand pure matter thenufeth to be in the wan- ton pages of other Poets. Some fentences of Heathenifh Au- thours are found in Scripture, as the Egyptian fpovls furnifhed the Ifraelites, andDavid holphïmfelf with goliah's fwoad : fo the ho- ly Ghoft ftrikes the Heathens with their own weapons, Proprijs pennis configimur, as 1itlian the Apoftate complained , and there- fore forbad the Chriftians to fend their children to theHeathen ichooles,left they fhouldbe wounded with their ownweapons. Verfe 29. That the godhead is like]- ni primi deorum fimt2r. lachra induxerunt, erroremauxerunt,metumdempferune, faith Marro, as Calvin cites his words. Plutarch faith it is facriledge towor- fhip by Images. They wereAtheifts by night that worfhipped the Sun, and Atheifts by day that worfhipped the Moon , as Cyrilwit- tily fpeáketh._ . Verfe 3e. god winked at Regarded not. God accounted the times of Paganifine before Chrifh ( for all their knowledge) even times of ignorance ; and looked over orbeyond them (as ,sra.seidfv the word here fignifieth) having refpee4_onely to the timesof Chriftianity. Verfe 32. Some mocked] Three forts of hearers : fome de- rided , others doubted , a few beleeved, as Dennis and Damaris, but no Churchhere founded. They were too wife to go toheaven. !t£. & Mon. Not a Scholler in oxford would look upon the good Bithops Rid- °t15 ley and Cranmer prifoners inBocardo, that Colledge of.uon dams , as it was thencalled, CHAP. XVIII. Verfe I. Andcame to Corinth' ACitievery rich, but very loofe and luxurious. Magna cognai do ne rei fzcnominis, divitijs & vitijs. The Corinthianshad within their City the Temple of Ifis , and without it the Temple of Venus, to whom there were well-nigh a thoufand Curtefans confecrated. They held fornication tobe no fin : hence the Apo- file is fo earneft againft it, i Cor. 5 Verle