Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

Chap.' S. A Cornmentary upon the ACTS. Verfe a. Hadcommandedall 7ews &c] Wicked men are rick of the Saints, and long to be rid of them not confidering that 'they bear up the pillars of the earth ,, and that God gratifies his childrenwith the prefervationdf the wicked, as he did "Paul with the lives of thofe Infidels that were in the (hip withhim. Howbe- it they are frequently as foolifh as this Claudius who banifhed Aft. Gods true fervants ; Oras the Stagge in the Embleme,. which by biting the boughsof the tree , under which file lay hid from the hounds and hunters,. betaaayed and betrayed her felf into their hands. Verfe 3 He abode with themandwrotght] Being no Idlebufe in his (hop among his Tents,thenin his Rudy among his books and - parchments, 2Tim. q. 13. So Mrfulus , perfecuted and driven Melch.ltdam out of his place, was forced for a poor living to dig and weave. And another late Martyr, though he were one of the greateft Schollers in Chriftendom, yet inbanifhment or flight forconfci- ence,ferved the Mafon. Verfe 4. 'erfwaded the pews] Men may fpeak perfwafively, btu God onely canperfwade, gen. 9.27. 7aphets children were to be won by perfwation. Therefore Chrdt fent forth to them nót Souldiers, but Fifhers who might workupon them docendo, non docendo,, monendo , non minando, .by informing them , not. by in_ forcing them. Verfe 5. And when Silas and Timothy] Good people one kindle another.. Paulwas much heated with the zeal of God by thecompany of there two good men. Two flints, though both cold, yet yeeldfire, when (mitten together. Billets one kindle an- other. iron fharpeneth iron : fo loth the face of a man , his friend. Verfe 6, e.And when they oppofed] Gr. And when they bade Ay777cz -any him bartell. A military tearm. rwv Tour bloudbe upon your own heads] Anfwerable to theirwith, Mart. 27. 25. and according to their manner of putting theirfins upon the headof thefacrificed creature, T. 2.4. 0- 3.2. Verfe 8. And many of the Corinthians] When Crifpus the chief Ruler of the Synagogue beleeved, many of the Corinthians beleeved alto. Great men are the looking-glafles of the Country, according to whichmoil men dreffe themfelves. Verfe 12. And whenGallio was] This Gallia was brother to Seneca, who being agreat Courtier, obtained for him of Claudius 173.