174 A Commentary upon the ACTS. Chap.x8. Calvifius ex Tacito. Aug. deciv. Dci. the Emperour, to be made Deputy ofAchaia, as Tacittuteftifièth- Verfe 13. Contrary to the Law] That is, contrary to ourLaw. for the Romans had granted liberty to the Jews to worfhip God, as their own L aw prefcribed. Verfe 15. eflquefon ofwords, or names] Çallio - efteemed no better of divine docftrine, thenvaine words, and airy difcourfes. His brother Seneca jeareth the Jewes for calling awaya feventh part of their time upon a weekly Sabbath. Profane perfonshold it a madneffe tobe fo confcientions. Philofophandum, fed paucks. Re- ligiofum cffe oportet, fednon religentem. A little Religion ferves turn well enough. Verfe 17. TookSofthenes] A belovedbrother of Saint Paul/, I Cor. i. z Verfe 18. In Concrea] A haven of the Corinthians. Here he wasfhorne, as a Nazarite, for the fake of Tome weak Jewes,whom herein he gratified and gained to the faith. The Popifh (having is fo bald a céremony that force Preifts inFrance are afhamedof the mark, and fewofthemhave it that can handfomly avoid it. Verfe 21. Keep thisFeaf] As waiting an occafion, by that fo- lemne meeting-ofwinning many to Chrift. 'Paul was infatiabilis Dei cultor, as Chryfofom truly faith of him. George Eagles the Martyr,for his great pains in travelling from place to place tocon- firme thebrethren, was firnamedTrudgeover the World. Verfe 24. efln eloquent man] Et eruditumfonat prudentem, faith Erafmte.. It imports, r. skill in the words, he could expound well : 2. good-elocution; he could well expreffe his expofition. Matter in Forme, as they do all in nature, fo alto in Art. Good matter well habited is more acceptable. Verfe 25. Taught diligently] According to that skill he had. OfLaElantim, Hierum pafl'eth this judgement. LaElantit2s qua f quidam fluvitu Tulliana eloquentiae utinam tam notra potuifet con- firmare, quamfacile aliendefruxit. So Tullywhiled that he could as eafìly find out the true God, as he could difprove the falfe gods. Verfe 26. Andexpounded unto him] An humble man will be glad to learn of the meaneft that is. A little child 'ball lead him, Efay i i. 6. Oneman may, for counfell, be a God to another, as ,Motes was to eflaron. Verfe 28. Convinced the 7ews] Who might have been con- vinced out of their own Cabala , that Chrift was come : but that feeing they faw but perceived not. CHAP.