C hap,19: A Commentary upon the Ac s. a 75 CHAP. XIX.. Verfe i. While Apollös wasat Corinth] Mercyof God to the Church ,, that in Pauls abfence, they fhould be fo well provided ofa preacher. Verfe 2. Have ye received the holy Cjhofl ? ] That is, the extra- ordinary gifts of the Holy Ghoft in Prophecy , Tongues, &c. as ÿerfer 6. Verfe 3. Vato Johns Raptifrne ] That is unto 7chas Do nine fealed by Saptifine. This Paulfhewes to be noth) ng fo , Verfe 4. WhencePifcator colledeth, that they were baptizedby fome of yohns Difciples into, johns nane, as if he had been the Chrift. For that?ohn had force fach Zealots about him, appeares by ph. 3. z6. &c: Verfe 5. They were Baptized] That is, fay,fo.me, They were Re-baptized,, becaufebaptized before in awrong name. There- fore Paul firít Catechizeth themVerfe 4. Others fay, That it was rather their renewing to their baptifme, then their baptifme to Mr Lightfoot them ; and not that they took any other then that of ?ohn, Ihrmf.164 but that they now began to entertain and apply it to the right intent. Verfe 7. e.4nd all the men were about twelve] There twelve, being the &rít fruites ofthis Church, were endued. with extraordi- nary gifts to be For Elders and Rulers there : for theft giftswere not common to all beleevers, as Beza well noteth. Verle 9. But Whendivers Were hardened] Hardneffe of heart h either Natural!, or Habitual! : and this again is encreafed either 'by doing ( that is, by refìfting theword ofGod) or by fuffering is topafe by us without amendment of life.. , Hedepartedfrom them,andfeparated] So didZuinnliou and Lu-. therfeparate.from the Papiftsfor like reafon. It was laid to La- thers charge, that hewas anApoftate. confitetur f effe e.4pofia- tam fedbeaturn & fantlum,qui fademdiabolo datam nonfervavit. An Apoftate he confeftredhimfelf: but one that had fallen offfront the devil! only. In the fchoole of one Tÿrannus ] In one.ancient Copy it is ad- ded , From the fifth to the tenthheure : So indefatigable apreach-. er was Paul, a very kaTxr'izep&- or Iron-fides. He had agolden in an Iron body, as one faith ofynl, Scaliger. Verfe.rió