176 sl Commentary upon the ACTS. Chap.I9. Verfe 12. Handkercheifes or aprons] Which having been touch- ed byParisbodybecame foveraigne (bya miracle )to cure difeafes and call out devils. Verfe 14. Sevenfonnes ofone Sceva] All fathers, but efpecially Minifters fhould ufe all utmoft care, that their childrenbe well edu,. cated and initru ed : and not think it fufficient to fayof them as Pope Paul the Third did ofhis diffolute fon Farnejius,, Hæc vitia me noncommonfíratore didicit. He never learned it ofhis father. Verfe 15. yefra Ik ore andPaul] Jefus had deftroyed his works, and Paul had felt his fingers, 2 Cor. 12.7. and yet thrown him out ofhis trenches, 2 Cor.ro.4. Verfe 16. So that theyfledout C'5-c.] N'on omnia pof famur om- res. Albeit the Eagle in the fable did bear away aLamb in her ta- lons with full flight, yet a Raven endeavouring todo the like, was held intangled, and fettered in the fleece. Everyexorcift mull not think to do as Paul did. Verfe 18. Confeffed andJbezned their deeds] With deteftation being moved thereto by the fear ofGods judgements. This they did publikely, not in the Preifts eare, as Papifts, nor out ofa brain. lickhumour as the Anabaptilts at Sangall ( Cceperuut plurimi enor.. ScuLAnnal.; mia fra delic`la profiteri, alius furta , alitu adulteria, alia alius non fine admiration audientium, non fine flomacho conjugumma- ritù talibus nihil non imprecantium, faith Scultetus) But with diii fcretion, and deteftation. Oftentimes the very opening ofmens greivances eafeth the confcience , as the very opening ofa veine D. Sibbes. cooles the blood. Howbeit it is neither wifdomnor mercy to put `men upon the rackofconfeiTon,further then they canhave no eafe any other way. Verfe 19. whichufed curiouseAArts] TheEphefians were much addicted to the black Art. Whence that ancient proverb r¢aLx 2MZ Ephefian learning for Necromancy. Cornelius Aggrippa's doghad a devill tyed tohis coller, as force write. And Paracel- fus (or elle Eraflus belies him) had one confined to his fword pummell. Verfe 23. Nofmallfiirj Covetoufnefï'e,as it felfis Idolatry,fo Eyifter. it upholds Idolatry (as here) under a pretext of piety. Deos quif- yuefibi utiles cudit, faith one. Vbi utilitas ibi pietas,faith another. The Papifts are found in thole points that touch not upon their profit, as in the doctrine ofthe Trinity &c. Luther was therefore fo much fer againfr ( as Erafonus told the Elec`iïour of Saxony) be- caufe