Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

Chap. r9. ACommentary upon the Aci s. 177 taufe he'medledwith the Popes tripple crown, and the Monkes fat Scul-et,Anaai: paunches. Verfe 24. whichmade filver fbrínes ] Gr. Temples , Templa Beza. portatilia, (mall portable temples, refembling that greater temple ofDiana ; as now the 1gnus Dei's among the Papilts. Some fay they were little houles or Caskets to put the Idoli in. Others , Cafaubon, fmall coynes Ramped with the image ofthat famous temple. Ido- Pircator. latrous trinkets they were , filch as brought nofmall gain to the craftsmen, to whom gain was godlineffe. Verfe 26. That they be nogods] The town-clark then told a loud lye Verfe 37. Polititians think they may lawful'y lye for peace fake. Howbeit Paul decryed Diana's temple and woríhipwith better difcretion , then Abdias the Bifhop burnt down the temple of the Fier { which the Perfians worfhip) at I'erfepolis. Where- upon not only he himfelfwas flair, but all the temples ofthe Chri- Funccius. aims throughout Perfia wereoverthrown , and many Chriftians put to death; the Perfaan Preifts being their cheif perfecutors 4nno 453. Verfe 27. This our craft] Whereof they had thepattent , the Monoply. Dií?io ell mercimoniorum & negotiorun , in genere Ta vee9s fgnifacans illud quod in divifaone obvenit, faith Lorinus. Iftud quad nohù eft peculiare. So Reza renders it. To befet at nought ] (r. To be refuted, difgraced , decryed, cis cenA:yuiv andwe greatly damnified. Nobù refutatum intercidat.Beza. saw °p Andher magnificencefhould be.deflroyed] Her'Majefly. Vrinam Es:)«ÀHÓ71)r4. ague falten reverenter de Dei nomine hodiè homines loquerentur, faith anInterpreter. I would men would but ufe like reverence Malcolm. in fpeaking ofthe true God. Verfe 28. They werefull ofwrath] The Greekward fignifieth the heating or heavingof the blond by the apprehenfion of the injury offered; hot and fiery anger, fuch aswas that ofNebuchad- nezzar feven-foldhotter then his fiery fornace, Dan. 2. great is Diana J Papifts boaft and write muchof the Romifh greatncffe, as Lipfasasand others. We grant them to be that great Whore in the Revelat on, Chap.z 7.18. Verfe 31. Certaineof the cherfofAfia ] Not Rulers, but Preiíts ( faith Beza) whole office was to let forth flage-playes in honour ofthe gods. Thefe,thoughbad enough , had tome good a8áá ion to the ChriftianReligion, and cautionedPaul notto come into the Tlieatre,Chriftfinds forne friends amongft the wái} ofmen. _ Z z z VeafeF