Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

8o 4 Commentary upon the A CTS. Cltap.2 0, vvhatfoever came of it. The Spirit hems us about , comprehends and keepsus, when a mans own ftrength would fall bofe. It is not fowith everyungirtGofpeller,that batha lookdifcin& and dif- fluent mind, and no fupernaturall ftrength to fiipport him. Verfe 24, Neither count Imy life dear] Singulaprope verba ffirant Martyrium, asone faithof Cyprians writings. When one laid to óulitu Palmer the Martyr , Take heed, it is an hard ínatter A&. & Mon. to burn. Indeed , faid he, it is for him that hath his foul linked to Íßt.'433' his body, as a thiefs foot in a pairof fetters. Amongft all the vain mockeries of this world (faid theDuke of Sommerfet at his death. Life of Edm.6. inK. Edw. 6. time) I repent me of nothing more thenof efteem. ing life more deer then I mould, cimcxóaruc Verfe 28. Hath made you overfeers], But many are Apo.Ropi. rather then Epifcopi , faith Efpenfe ac , ByPeers rather then Over- feers. Whichhe bath purchafed-with his blood] The Church is to Chrif_ a bloudy Spoufe , an Acheldama or field of bloud ; for the could_ not be redeemed with flyer and gold, butwith.the bloudof God, fo it is called, by a communication of properties, . to fetforth the incomparablevalue and venue thereof. Verfe 3o. To drawawaydifciples] To tear them limb-meal by a'n är. a violent avulfion and diftradion, compelling them by their per- ,Iwei-F4(4646, fwafionsto embrace thofe diftorted Doctrines , that producè con- vulfions of Confcience, Dent. r 3.5, Such are faid to thruft men out of Gods wayes. Verfe 3r. Night and day with tears] Good men weep.eafily, áu.9óì d`' faith the GreekPoet ; and the better any is, the cee" xpues weeping : asDavidthen7onathan, r Sam. 20. Some (as they fay of vdptis° witches) cannot weep for fin. But they that weepnot here,where.- there.are wipinghandkercheifs in thehands of Chrift , thall have theireyes whipt out in hell. Verfe 3 2. eflble to build] As being Godsarme , andmighty . inftruments of his power, r Cor.. i. 18. Rom. I. 16.. Verfe 33. I hay:covetedno mans &c.] Non open, nongloriam,. non voluptates qu.ejivi,, &c. Banc confcientiam aufero quocunque Meld. Adam' difeedo,faid. Melanchthon. Rhodig. i z9. Verfe 34.. Thefebands haveminifired] More thame for theta c.i.6. to fuller it. Sed raraiugeniorumpramia, rara item&merees, faith.. Petr ti. One : And, Nefcioquomodo bona mentis foror ell paupertas,faith an- Other. And pa'upertas eft Philofophiæ vernaenla,,. faith athird. Let Gods.