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Chap.x r. d"Gommentary upon the ACTS. i8E Gods fervants keep them honell , the worldwill keep them poor enough. Verfe 3'. It is more We red] Epicures could fay , that to do 7 , FIT Ine,c p goodwasnot onelybettet , but fwee ter alfo then to. receive good. ?d n pie" 7ulius (afar counted nothing his own that he bellowed not upon Y,'Won äz others. And it better pleafedCyrus togive;, then to poiléffe any, ,'v s8« 7Aov good thing that hehad. ices » Verfe 36. And prayedwith themall] O verum valedicendi mo- rzu, Xenoph. rem. Chrifiianis dignum, faith .one. Now 'cis noparting without potting and healthing. Qua tupilfimâ vna,oszoold , Trincipum de rifio, aparafitis traxit originem, faith Pafor, Which curled cuflom hadits beginning fromCourt-parafites. CHAP. XXI. Verfe I. 7ve came witha ffraight carafe] SO (hall all thofe that make firaight pathsfor their feet,Heb..i 2 i3. whole. eye-lids look ('trait before'them., Prov. 4. ay. who.w ponder their paths by the weights of the W©rd,verf,.Z6. Verfe 4. And finding difciples] Such as Efay had long fince foretold fhould leave hoarding and heapingwealth,. and find an other manner of employment for it í to feed and cloath Gods Saints, 1fay 23.18. That he Jhould not go up &c. They underflanding by divine re- velation, what danger Paul was in, out of Charity , and not bya- ny fpeciall commandof the Spirit, fore-warnedhim ,. and defired . him not to goup. Verfe S. And prayed] See the Note on chap 20.36. Verfe 13. what mean you to, s eep ? ] Ecclefiafticall hiílory mentionethone Thileas a Noble-man and a Martyr,who going to. execution,feemed as one deaf at theperfwafions,and blind at the _tears of his, friendsmoving him to (pare himfelf; .Nana duomodá poteff terrenis lachrymis ffeti , cujusoçuli ccclefiemgloriam.contuen-- tur ? faid one Philorstmus defending him , Andwas therefore be- headed with him. "Verfe r3. Iam ready, not tobe bound] .. This wasabraveRo- man refolution, Nece f fe eft ut eam, nonut vivam, laidPompey, The Lacedamónians werewont to fay,. It isa flume for any man to fly, in timeof danger. But fora Lacedaronian, it is_a (name forhu-n;' Z z 3 to °-- -- -.. ò¢c{:-av-