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i 81 A Commentary upon the ACTS. Chap:2 i . to-deiiberate..How muchmore fora Chriftian when called by God to fuller? Go (faidLot' er) I will furely go(fith I am fent for) 'in the namecif diir Lord, Jefus Chrift, yea, though Iknew there A&. &Mon, were fo-many Dévils,to refit me, as there are tiles to cover the 776. houfes in Wormes. Spalati-us had fent to-Luther, to, enquire whe- ther or no he would goto »'ormes , and appear in the Gofpefs- Luth..&pig. caufe , if C elar fummoned him ; Omnia de mepnefumae:. (laidhe): preter f again & palinodiam. Fugerenolo, molt° Minos recantare, Itame, vcanfortet Dentin* .Socrates wouldnot hearken tohis friend Criton, perfwading him to-fhift for himfelf bya difhonourable- flight. And'. when-fome friends dealt with Dr. Taylour Martyr, not to appear before Stephen Winchefler, but to fly.: (laid he) and do as your confcience leads you : I am fullydetermined. . with Gods grace,togo to theBifhop, and tohis beard to tell him AI' 8u `n' That he doethnaught. True wale is of a molt mafculine,difinga- 3 ged, couragious nature andread to fa , Shall I changemine o s g g ,, y Y. g P _. Oncuasoo pion, becaufe Hoc Ithacus velit ? remit ofmy diligence for fear ño' £" of death,? Oh.thatImight enjoy thofa.wild' beafts.prepared for rn torments,: faidbleffed:Ienatiiu. And Oh. that itmi ht befo ;.tEowd. g EYE y'vOrr* with me, .faictRafil threatned with death. byValens ,the Arriati: ,uoì Bahl. Emperour. Verfe 14. The Will of the Lordbe done] Vox veré Chrifbia- Wonsan ;faith-one, Voluntas ei, nece tat rei. A Godlyman fayes Amen toGods Amen; and puts his Fiat and Plam to-Gods.. one- faits, he:couldi havewhat- ' would of God. Why ?how. wasthat ? becaufe whatfoeverwas Gods will , that was his. It is faid that I Aa.&Mon. fhali be-burne l in Smith-field (faidblefled Bradford) and thatve- 130Z. ry fhortly, Fiat voluntas `Domini : Ecce ego, miete me. Mr. Bends Me1ch.Adam. laft text was the third Pttitiòn.-of the LordsPrayer, Thy will be Bane, &c. In gùadefccerepotiue-guar dcfrnere ifrys efl, faith-fie that writeth his life. Verle r st We took,tap ouroarriages] A military. tearm rwe truffed:up ourfardles, madeipourpacks, our bagand baggage, in uebi cortprp risod loeirij-niMineen pericula` itbeunda, faith Betsbáhi roa ircft dirp*dt&what-foe-vet hazard. Verfe 16. An old difci le] A gray-headed experienced'Chri-' flittn ,-la -Ftithet `r. -bb. 2.lI . - Ssuchaa.thofe mentionedPfal. 92. 12, z ;ç.iq. t.Chrtftianzhuthhkodegres:ofgrowth. Ye-havehisCon c Lion, X16,r üa Childtood; t Cor''3.1, 2. XfOntai orwind-grown-age- -W A IO hn S his Cmextivá 04tot.