Chap.2 2. A-Commentary upón the ACTS . 183 hisfülgrown age, Eph. 4. 13. Old age, as ohn 2. 13. and here. Withwhom weJhould lodge] Viz. When we came to erufalem. This Mnafon was another Caücs , the Holt of the Church. The Waldenfes were fo fpread in Germany, that they could travell front. Colen to Millaine in Italy, and everynight lodge with Hafts of cadeof the their ownprofelïion, whichwasa great comfort to them. Churchp.t80. Verfe 19. Hedeclaredparticularly ] Gr. One by one. So Mofes Kg), by `r.RV tels etbro allthings one byone what God had donefor Ifrael, Ex. 18. 8. We-muit not relate Gods lovingkindneffe in the lump or by whole-fale, but be punétuall, and particular. Verfe áo. Manyahoufands ] Thereforenot tobe flighted. Verfe 23. eftvow anthem] A voluntary vowof Nazarit-fhip, whichyet is agreeable to thelawes præfcript. Verfe 2ç. And all may know ] There is a reali confutationof tahalnnies. Verfe 25. And from fornication ] $ee the Note on AE`ls I5. to. Verfe 26. Turifying himfelf ] See aAnguflin. Epiflle: rt. and 19. Verfe 30. Thedoores yew lbw] That he might not there take faneetuary. Verfe 32. Who immediatly tool¿,fouldiers ] An admirable ex- ampleof Gods good providence, who delighteth to referve his hand fora dead lift , to fave thofe that are forfaken of their hopes :: - He cometh unlookt for , as it were out of an ngine. Verfe 38. Art not thou that .Egyptian] Of whom read ofeph. .lib. 2. cap. to. de antiq. lib. so. That were murderers ] Afrafnes Cut-throates. Thefe Godw. He& were of the -faction of 7uda4 Gaulonites or aliletu. See Antiq. Like 13. r. CHAP. XXIi. Verfe t. Men, brethren, andfathers ] TiA Hey that fpake for themfelves before the eepagites. in A- then: were required todo it any 4 ooti4 , without paflions orprefaces. Not fohere. Verfe1..At.t4efèet4ofGamaliel ] Among theJewes Ra- bi