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a$4 '1 Cot mertaryrtyon the ACTS. Chap.22. bi fate, term d 3tf1'or the Sitter; the Scholler was called pttny or one that;ly'es along in the dull , a tokenof the Schollers humi- lity , fubjeding himfelf even to the feet of his Teacher, as here, and Luke io. 39. and z ICings`2. 5. Knoweft thou not that the Lord will take thy mailer from thine head? A phrafe taken from their manner of fitting in the Schools. This fame cuftom (faith Gadw,Antiq one) it is thoight Saint pail laboured to bring into theChriftian Hrb. p.37. Church. r Goy/ 14.. Andwas ;c/ealous toward God] With a blind zeale, which is no better then mettle in a blindhorfe , then fire on the chimney-top, then the Devill in the Demoniack, which threw him into the fire âometimes, and fometimes into the water. Verfe 8. Iam 7efus ofNazareth] Why faith our Saviour, Je- fus of Nazareth ? Poes any good come out of Nazareth ? Why faith he not rather, J am Jefus the fon of God , theheir~o..the world, &c. Nazaroh,was a reproach cart upon Chrift; and heglo- ries in it : Should not we prefer the reproachof Chrift before the higheft honour the world can do us ? Verfe 9. But they heardnot] See the Noteon flíl.9.7. pcarFfoue; Verfe 14. Hathchofen thee] Gr. Hath handled thee before- hand. Reza, Hath defigned thee. erafmus, hath prepared thee,viz. by unhotfing and blindingthee. Schola C'rucis,fchola lucis. Verfe 17. Even while I prayed] Then efpecially. Gods peo- .pleare rapt and ráviíhed. See the Note on ¿'hap. Verfe 19. Lordthey knoW that I irnprifoned] Therefore no won- der though theyof 7erufalem rejeét my teftimony as a light gid- dy-headed fellow , who now teach that religion that I lately per- fécuted : fedpreat herbam dare quam turpiter pugnare. Luther was counted and called,anApoftate: He confeffed theaftion; but bleflèdGod that had given him grace to fall of from the Devil!. Bugenhagius having read fome few leaves of Luthers book de cap- tivitateBabylonica , rafhly pronounced Luther the molt peftilent Heretick that ever troubled theChurch. But íhortly after, reading the book thorow, and wifelyweighing the arguments therein ufed and urged, he recanted his former cenlure , and publikely averred andmaintained, that all the Chriftianworld was out , andLuther Scuh. Annat onely in theright.: Hic vir unus ú foltu verumvider, Paid he tohis collegioners; many of whom heconvinced and converted to the truth. Verfe 22, ,4n4 they gave him atidicnce] The Jews to this day wil