Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

Chaim 3 ACommentary upon the Acis. will not beare 'of the Gentileshaving any interefl: in their Me- ffiah,They callus bafl:ard-Gentiles, andcurie us Chrilians in their dayly prayers, with a Maledic'Domine Nazaræis. They flick not to fay that rather then w-e íhould have anybenefit bytheir Me- 1lìah, they would Crucifie him an hundred times over. Thus to this prefent,theypleafe not God, and are contrary to all men. z The s. z ç. We muff pitty them and pray for them, as Tfal. 14. I. Loper the Traytour,at Tiburne, affirmed that he loved Ctleen Elizabeth, Cam. hlif. fo[, as he loved Jelin Chrií} : which from aJew was heard not with- 43T. out langhter. Verfe 24. Examinedby fcourgings] Politicians confider not oft what is¡aft, but what is ofufe for the prefent purpofe, be it right orwrong. Verfe 25. Aman that ùa Roman ] A Citizen ofRome might neitherbe boundnor beaten. See theNote on e-1 is 16.37. 'Paul by this freedom efcaped whipping b we by that which Chrift hath purchafed us,not for gold or flyer but his own bloud,r Peter 1.19. efcape the painofeternall torment. Verfe 28. With agreatfumme ] Or, with long fervice. This priviledgewas firff foldat a dear rate to forreiners, but after- Vio in audit; wards for afmall matter. But I h asfree-born] Tarfiu Paul, country was a Roman Co- lony, and made freeofRome byM. eflntoniru. CH A P. XXIII. Verfe 1. In allgood confcience] Ood, both withthe goodneffeof integrityandoftranquility. rp ad entice, e/IreFla confcientia tranfverfum unguem non oportet pen,- 1.13. guam in omnifua vita difcederc, faith Cicero. Let a man keep his Confcience cleer. Better offend all the world, then Con- fcience. Verfe 2. Tofmitehim on the mouth] Sowhen HenryZuthen Martyr was bound hard to a ladder and calf into the fire , he no fooner began to pray and to repeat his Creed, but one Bruckhim upon the face withhis fii Paying, Thou (halt firft beburned, and Aft. & Mon: afterwardspray_and prate as muchas thouwilt, fol. 80z. Verfe Godfhallfmite thee] Hewas afterwardscruelly (lain byManaimttis a captaioofthe Jews,in the beginningoftheJewifl: Aaaa Woo 4,.