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186 A Cornrrtrntary tpOrl the ACTS. Chap.23. Wars. As Mailer Bradfordwent toward the flakehe was met by a - brother in law ofhis calledRoger Befivick, which affoon as he had. taken Bradfordby the hand,Woodroofe Sheriff ofLondon came with Aa. & Mon, his flaffe and brake the laid. Rogers head, that thebloud ran about fol. i4557. his fhouldiers. But within half a year after, God fo firuckWood- 47 eight on ears right tohis with a dyingday,h©wawhat-ever ot able to a turnahim- Ibid. r S. eight y felf in hisbed &c. ThouWhitedwall ] That is, thou.hypocrite, -Matt. 23. 27... So Mater. Philpot Martyr to Do for 1Mloróan that fcoffed him , I tuft now tell thee (faid he) thoupainted-wall andhypocrite,that ibid. 16,53. God (hall rainfire and brimftone upon fuch fcorners ofhis word and blafphemersof his people as thou art. What an arrogant foole is this (faid Bonner to Philpot) I will handle thee like anHe- retick, and that fhortly. I fear nothing (anfwered Philpot) that ibd. 1054. you can do tome-: but God (hall deftroy fuck as thouart : and that fhortly, as I trufb So when Shaxton Bifhop ofSalifbury fail to WilliamWolfey Martyr,and force others with him , Goodbre- thren, rememberyour 'felves, and become newmen: for I my felfwas in this fond opinion that you are now in,butI am become a new man ; Wolfey replyed , Ah , are you become anew man ? Ibid. 1558. Woebe to thee, thouwicked newman : for God fhall juftly judge thee &c. Verfe 5. Irvift not brethren Whether he (peak ferioufly or i- ronically it is doubtful!. He might not know him as having been long abfent from 7erufalem.Or his prefent heat might fo darken his judgement , that he might not for prefent acknowledge the high pi-teas authority. It was certainly force difadvantage to Peal, that (although provoked and unjuftly fmitten) he called the high prieft whitedwall, he was glad to excufe it by his igno- rance. We may not be too boldor too forward to fpeakin a good matter, left we over-(hoot. Luther confeffed before theErn AÉt. &;Mon. perour at Wormer that in his bookes againfl private and fingular fa1.7771 perfons, he hadbeen more vehement thenhis religion and profef fion required. And he cryed.our Henry 8. mercy for his uncivile handling of. him. Verfe 7. efld,iff'enüon betwixt the Pharifees ] So amongPa- pills, thePriefts dilparagethe Jefüites, the Jefuites the Prieits, the 1'rreitsagain theModes theÀvlpnkes the Friers andthe Jefu all.: Veda - 8