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Chap.23. A Commentary upon the ACTS. I 7 Verfe 8. Sadduces fay there is no refurreelioñ ] The occafion of thisHerefie is Paid to be this ; VVhen eAinti eonuu taught that we muffnot ferve God as lervants do their lv alters forhope of re- ward, his fchollers Sadoc and Baithusunderfrood him as if he had utterly denied all future rewards or recompenceattending a god- ly life : and thence framed their Herefie, denying the Refurredi- on, world to come &c. Verfe 9. We find no evill in thú man ] God when he - pleáfeth can find patrons of his caufe amongft his very e- &z nemies. Verfe r r. The Lordflood by him] Turned his prifon into a pallace, as likewife it did to Algenus Chrifts prifoner, and Matter Alt & Mon. `Philpot whowrites thus tohis friends,Though I tell you that I am $7' inhell in the judgement of this world, yetaffuredly I feele in the fame the confolation of heaven I praife God : And this loathfome and horrible prifon is as pleafant to me , as the walk in the garden of the Kings-bench. ibid,1663. Verfe 12. Bound themfelves &c. ] The ConftableofFrance, jivhenliecovenanted withGod, that if hehad the victory at Saint Rzsintons , hewould fet upon geneva, thoughtno doubt that he had made a great good bargainwith God. Much like toyulian zb:cl r914. the-Emperour,who going againft the 7'erfans made his vow,That ifhe fped well, he wouldoffer the bloodofChriftians. But what did God ? Came not both their vowes to like effe ? My times are in thyhand faith David. Pilate could do nothing againft Chrift, were it not given him from above. Commit we therefore our felves to God in well-doing as to a faithful! Crea- tour. Verfe 13. And they were more then40.] The Affafine s are a kind ofmoft defperate men among theMahometans, who,ftrong- ly deluded with the blind zeal oftheir fuperftition , and account- ing it meritorious by any meanes to kill any great enemy oftheir religion, for the performance thereof , as menprodigall of their lives, they defperately adventure themfelves into all kinds ofdan- Tuik. Hil}frt. gers. Such all() are the Spahyels among the Turkes, a kindofvo- r 20. luntary horfemen in meer devotion to gain ,paradife bydying for 81"" vOyaZe theMahometans caufe. Verfe r5. erfs though he wouldenquire ] Craft andcrueltyare combined in the Churches enemies : Neither ofthem wantethhis mate, as the Scripturefpeaketh of thofe birds of prey and defola- Aaaa ,z tior,