1.88 A Commentary upon the Acar s. Chap.2q,1 tion, Efay 34.16. and as the Afp is faid,never towander alone, without his companionwithhim. V erfe 16. mud when Pauls fißers -fon ] 'A fweet providence that this boy fhould beby.; to deter and defeate their wicked counfell. Godwillbee feen in theMount : he fuffereth oft his e- nemies to goto the utmoft of their tedder, and then pulles them back with fhame to their task: He delightes to make fooles of' them. 'He lets them have themall yet their foot, them till they come to the ver,. , g ) the game.. Verfe 19. Took him by the hand]' Curtefie and affabilty in highdegree is very attractive : it eat ly allureth mens minds , as do fair.Howers;in the fpring thepaffengers eyes. Verfe 24. That they may brine himfafe ] The vulgar Latine addes, For hefeared left the yews would take him away by violence andkill him , andfo hefhould Pifer f blame as . if he hadbeen hired to permit it. But this theGreek,hathnot. Verfe 26.. Vnto the mot excellent] Felix was (as likewiÇ fLi man) ofbafebirth, buthighly advanced in Courtby meanesofhid brother Pallas, a great favouriteof Nero's,infomuch as he became husband toThree Q2eeenes .fucceffively, as Suetoniud w riteth., , He cruelly killed 7onathan the-.Jewifh Preift , and. committed many other outrages in thisprovince fo that beingcomplained of at Rome, he hadbeenpinto death , but for the greatnelfeofhis.bror ther, who begg'd.his pardon. Verfe. 27. Vndcrftood that he was a Roman ] He faith nor thingofbindinghim tohave been fcoarged,againft the law. Na- ture needsnot be taught to tell her own tale. Every man ftrives tomake hisown penny as good filver ache can.... CH A P. XXIV.. Verfé I. With acertain Oratour 3 (Aisle of thefe f ordida pofcinummmia (as Plautus phrafeth.it) thofe leguleiorum .faeestlecem- drachmariæas another ftileth thefe Mercenary Oratours, qui'linguas habent venales. It is re,. portedof Neveffan ( abetter Lawyer thenanhoneft man) that he ihould fay , He that will not venture his body , fhall never be vat ham:, he that wianot venture his foul, never rich. ìÁ