Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

Chap.24:. t1 Cornmentary upon the ACTS. Verfe 2. Tertullus. began to accufe him ] Prof jerior e.ffroOra- tori eloquentie quam morumfama , faith Tacittcs. Ciceronis lin- g/tamomnesfere mirantur, pales non ita ,. faith Augúfliite. The Dukeof Buclkinghcm fpeaking to the Londonersfor Richard the Third , gained the commendation that no man could deliver f6 much bad matter in fo good words andquaint phrafes. Such. ano- ther was Tertullus.- Verfé 3. We accept it alwayes ] So theyfay, the fooner to in- gratiate ; when in truth they worthily hated Felix, for his op- preffion and cruelty. Nota hypocrifin cure 4entatione, faith Reza. Inhis ejtate f/iallJiandup a vileperfon,Dan.iI. 2i. that is Antioch/14 Epiphanes.. And yet yofephus reports that the Samaritans writing tohim, becaufe he tormented the Jewes,to excufe themfelves that they wereno Jewes, filedhim, by. flattery, Antiochus the mighty God. Romanipropter omniaqua a Nerone fìebant etiamfcelera, quaffgratias agentes, facra. faciebant Such was their bafenef e : and fuch were thefe Jewes. Verfe 5. A. peflilentfellow ]. Cr. A botch , feet Seems . pro fcelerato. :. 7ubulus quidam,paulofupraCiceronem, Pratorfuit : ho. mo tamprojeElé improbtu. ,ut cjus nomen non hominisfedvitii ef fe vi- deretur. Now iffo precious a maras 'Paul ( then whom faith Chiyfoflone the earth never bare a better , Gnce it bore Chrif ) were counted and called a Pelt, let.not us thinkmuch to be fo teemed.. And ci mover of Sedition 1 So .Elias. was held` and called the Troubler ofIfrael,.Luther Tuba rebellions. So it was laid to one Singleton fometimes Chaplaine to the Lady Anne Ritllcn, that he was the murtherer ofPackington , and afterwards that he was a firrer upofSedition and commotion, who alto fiafered as a tray- tor for the fame : where in very deed the true caufe was nothing elfe but for preaching theGofpel, faith Mailer Fox. Of the Sea ofthe Nazarites ] Who firred up the people to Rand up for their liberty againf the Romans, faith an in- terpreter. Verfe 6. Toprofane the temple]. A loud lye : but innocency is notarget againf calumny. Verfe. 7. Took him-out of our hands ] Wherein he did well; though he heare ill as publike perfohs mutt Tooke to doe. Verfe- io. Fordfmuch or I `know &c.;]..77au1 was a {lately À.a a a 3 Oratoiìr 189 Tacit. Banal. Confef.lsb .4. cap. 3. Trulëls cons tinuation of Daniels Hilt! 223-. AotuóY: Jipî..4ntigf. Lea.. & 1145,