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190 A Commentary upon the ACTS. Chap.24. Oratour when he titled, as here. Porphyry faid it was pitty that fuch a man as Paul fhould bebellowed upon our Religion. How bravely Both he here unflarch theOratoilrs fpeech , and makehis owndefence Verfe 14.l3'hich they call herefie] Harefis eft vox Ecclefaa peculia- Ti,ll. Paradox, ris.Antiquitus enimdicebatur,In bac harefifum,idefl inbacfumfen- tentia vet fiefentio.Ecclefiaflical Writers take it for an Error inRe- ligion,foran opinion repugnant to the word ofGod.There muff be in it Error inratione,& pertinacia involuntate. Fevardentius, that Theom:chia fieryFrier, faines i400. Errors and Herefies, all which he fathers Calv inif{. and fattens on the Calvinifls. Genebrard imputes to Calvin as an Error , that he taught God to be a'u76ate- God of himfelf. cv ?x?(D, L. e. Verfe i6. And herein 3 Or, 'Meanwhile', Or, for thiscaufe do I exercife my felf ; Or , I ufe dilligence skill , and con- ceexi.;. fcience ; I lay my policy , orbend my wit, I d,ifcipline and inure my felf. : Verfe 22. Hedeferred themandfaid] Trudy and trimly fpake theOratour, De vita hominis nulla fatis diuturna cuntlatio effe pollit. (See Deut.17.3.) In a cafe of life and death there cannot be too muchcaution and cuntlation. Verfe 24. Wiih his wife Drufilla ] The filler ofKing Agrippa, Joteph. Antig. andwife ofeXbidus King ofEmefenes whom the had bafely for- t°. faken, and came and joyned her felfto this Felix ; worthy there- Hey!. Gong. fore to have beenhanged as 7oane QaeenofNaples wasat a win- a 67.. dow for like treachery by Lewis King ofHungary. Verfe 25.Ofrighteoufneffe,temperance&c.] Whereas Felix did many thingsthere tyrannoufly, and had greater regard to gain then to juflice : And whereas Drufilla, a Jeweffe, was not only married to an uncircumcifedman, butalfo was a filthy adultereffe: Paul in acertain kind ofgrave wifdom , which yet had joyned with it great liberty of fpeech , reafoneth and difputeth of things that hee knew principally wanting in his hearers. Jugd.i6. Felix trembled See the force of Confcience, which like Satuß. beu.Ca- Sampfóns wife conceales not the Riddle : like Fulvia a curtefan, ti/inar. who declared all the fecrets of her foolifh lover Oneius a Noble Roman , bewrayes and betrayes thofe that harbour her. Co thy way for this time 6--c.] ThePrefident ofSaint ?idiom beingfait to Angroge would have .Forced a poor ínanto baptize