Chap.2 . ACommeyetaryopen the AcTs. 1.89, baptize his Child. He, after he hadprayed , requiredofthe Pre- fident, that he would write and fign the fame withhis own hand, that he would difchargehim before Godofthe danger ofthat of- fence , and that hewould take the peril]uponhim and his. The Prefident hereat was fo confounded , that he fpake not one A&. &Mon:. word a good while after. Then faid he , Away thou vil- 871. laine out of my fight. After that , hee was never called more. . Verfe 26. He hoped alfo esc.] Fuit Felix inexplebilisgurgec, asTacitus teffifieth. He trembled, andyet gaped after money. A manmay as foon find an harvelc in an hedge, as the kalt good- Catoaped Gell. neffe in a covetous heart. Privatorurn fures in nervo &compedi- lib. I I,cap.I8s bus o tatem s unt : publico in aura er. purpura vifuntur, Publike ïheeves aregallant fellowes. Verfe 27. Willing toAny the,7ewes &c.] Politicians care not . to gratifie others and ferve their own turnes, with the loífe of . right, and good confcience. In the reign ofHenry the Secondof France Anno 1554. many were there burnt for Religion, not with- out the indignationof honeft men , who knew that the diligence ufed againfi thofcpour people,. not çr Acs, nr; l n.., bLtt to fatiate the covetoufnefle of Diana Valentina,,. the 'rings ítriffe, towhom he had given allthe confifcation of.goods made in ofTren38 the K.ingdome, for cauleofHerehie,_ CHAR. XXV. Verfe 2. Informedhim again/ Paul] ! T Heygave himprivate intelligence (fo the word fignihcs, faith 6V 0áV IQCW. Erafmus) they buzzed falle reports into his cares An o.ld tat°telc clam praeife of perfecutors. Truth feldome goes without afcratcht indicareErafna face. The Arminians endeavoured to perfwade the States ofHob, gig Lynod. land, that the Orthodox Pal-tors fought to diminifh the authority Dordrecht. of thecivill Magiftrates, and toaffea and arrogate to themfelves bræfatione. a.power collaterali orequall to their power. Verfe 3. Defsred favour] Or,a good turne ; ,Such was their elr: impudency. Verfe 4. That Paul fleculdbe kept &c.]how eafiely canGod de- feat the moft cunning contrivances ofhis Churches enemies l . I-leè froand.fmiles;I a lo,Qk.s and lägg s, Cómmit..we rhérçfare. our felt' és