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192 A °Commentary upon the ACTS. Chap.2 félves to him in well-doing, as unto a faithfull Creatour, i Pet. 4 r. Verfe to. Ifandat Cæfars judgement feat] We may fafely make our juft defence when falsely accufed, andtake the benefit of the Law. Ambrofe would be judg'd at Millaine, where he was known : and e4thanaftssrefufed tobe cenfured by corrupt Coun- cells. Verfe 12. Hall thou appealed&c'] Elegans loquendi format; faithPifcator : filch as are thofe t Cor. . t 8. zt. 2. Rom. r 3 3 A tuttedkind of fpeech, fay others, favouringof difcontent. Verfe 13. King Agrippa andBernice] Sonne and daughter to that Herodmentioned, They were known, faithyofephm, to live in deteflable inceft. It pleafedGod that his faithful! fer- vant Paul shouldplead for his life before thefe two filthy beafts which he did freelyand modeftly. Chryfoii. in Verfe 14. e.4 certain man left inbonds] Wherein he glorieth Eph. 3.i. more thenothers in their gold-chains, Ephef.3.i. Phil. I. Non ita beatumPaulum puto (faithChryfoftom)'quod incalm; rapttu;quam auod incarcerem conjclttu. I hold not Paul fohappy inhis rapture, as in his canr;,,t«y &Mon. Verfe 15. 7o havejudgement againft him] Damnationem,faith fol.1899 Beta. This was the favour they craved ofFeftau,verfe 3. So a writ came downwhiles theLady Elizabeth was in theTower, lirbfcri- bedwith certain hands of the Councell forher execution, Stephen rardner being thecheif Engineere;but Godprevented them. The LordPaget in acertain confultation faid that King 'Phillip should never have any quiet Common-wealth in England, unleffe Lady fbid. Elizabeth.s head were firicken from her fhoulders : TheSpani- ards thereto anfwered, God forbid that their King and Mafter should have filcha mind to confent to filch a mifcheif. Verfe 16. Have theaccufers face toface] ' Here was no Oath exOfficio to force a man to accule himfelf. Among the Romanes the Accufers fat in thofe feates that were at the left-handofthe Judge : The Accufed and his Advocate at the right-hand. The Accufer had three houresallottedhim, the Defendant fix. And if he were call, yet was he not given up to his Adverfaries tobe pu- nifhed at their pleafure (as thefe Jewes wouldhave had it) but as the Judge appointed it. Verfe 19. But hadcertain queftions] See how bafely this pro- phane fellow fpeakethofGods true fervice, These Cocks on the dunghill