Chap.25. A Commentary upon the ACT s. T93 dunghill know not the price ofthat pearle, and do therefore avile it. They took occáGon aifo from the contentions of the Chur- ches Doctors, to condcmne their Doctrine. Itwas therefore 4 divelli(h deviceof7u/ix/ the A,poftate, to call home thofeHetero- dox andhereticall Biíhops that had been banifhedby Confiantine, that theymight embroyle and darken theChurch by their mum- all difcords amongft themfelves, and fo bring the Chriftian Religi- on into difgrace. Verfe a a. I wouldaifo Beare theman] More for his mind fake, and to fee what he would fay forhimfelf, then out of any defire to learneofhim. So Hired defired tofeeChrifl, as a man would fee force Jugler ahis feates, and make him fport. Verfe a3. withgrcect pompe]' Gr. withgreat fantare, orvaine turn 7Paa.irs íhew : For no better is all worldly pomp and flate. Of Cardi- 4'"7mí'" nail vvolfeyes twenty great Mules paffing through London, laden with rolled éggs,and rottenrhooes,and other like treafure, as was difcovered by the fall ofone Mule that call his burden, read AS andMomiments fol. 899. My Lord Cardinali, Paid Bayfeild the Martyr, is no good man : for Chrifl never taught him to follow, riches,promotions, worldly pomp as he doth ; toweare íhooes ibid. r S3 r. ofllverand gilt,fet with pearles andpretious clones. Chrifl had never two crolfesoffilver , two axes, nor pillar of Giver and gilt &c. Verle 26. roWrite canto my Lord] Kue4H?- fignifieth one that bath rule or dominion, being a word,of relation. This titlewas nedrtcittar a ñrft of ecled by tyrants : but afterwards the good Princes fuffered xtit0- authe- it to be given unto them,as appeareth by Plinies epiftle toTrajan. Vitas The Emperoursdifclaimed only the nameofKing,to avoid the ha- tredofthe people, and yet fought the full right ofKings , and to deflrcy the liberty of the people. But God calls them Kings, i Pet. 2.13.17. God hateth hypocrifie inwhomfoever : and will unmask even Kings, if they diffemble. CHAP. XXVI. Verte r. emendanfweredfor himfelf] erHis theApoiledoth molt artificially and effedually. Raptare e eum judices credal, (as one faith concerning Cicero) in volvere proccipitem agere , nec incendero audirorem , fèd ipfum Bbb b prr,