I94 A Commentaryupon the ACTS. Chap,26.. putes ardere : animorum denique quendam credal Dann. yf f ppy fl quaddm utativa elicitas Verfe. 2. I thin m el ha E p ( faithan Interpreter here ) ficoncedatur nobis caufam noftrama- perté agere. Beatitudo autem< vera in peccatorum remitone &c. Pfal. 32. i. z. It is akind ofhappinefle to have fair hearing afore.. men : but the truehappineffe is to find favourwithGod. Verfe 5. after the moltftraighteft feEtt ] Therewere three fe- r rail fens among the Jewes Pharifees Sadduces and Effenes which Taft lived a monaftick kindof life, andbetides theBible, ftu- died phyfick.: whence alto they had their name ofAfa, toheal. ThePharifees were molt in requet,profefiing extraordinary ftri&- nefiè, asthofe diftric`ti mi Monachi thofe Puritan-Monkes among the. Papifts ( as one calleth them) that carriedwodden: croffes at their backs continually, and pretended for it Matthew i o. 38. Verfe 7. Inftantly ferving god] And yet finding enough to do , when they have done their utmoft, to get to heaven... The time isfhort., the task. long :. Caftigemus erg.1. mores -ems moral. Vito Pr ecipita tempts, mors atra impendet agenti. Verfe 9.. Contrary to the name &c.] Tertullian teftifieth that Txriull. in A- in the Primitive Chriftians,nomemdamnabatur, non crimen antfce- flag.. lair : folum nomen innocuum , _ hominibu innocuis e f fe pro crimine mac. And.Tacitus to the fame purpofe, that whenNero had fet the City on fire forhis pleafure , and then fathered it upon the Chriftians ;.:a great company ofthem were prefently flaughtered, Tásito _ handperinde in crimine incendii, quamOdio humani generis,convilli: Not for any fault, whereof they could be conviLted , but out ofa generali hatredoftheir perfons and religion. Verfe i a . compelled them to blafheme] So the ancient perfe- viln. Epift. ad tutors compelledmany not only to renounce theirReligion , but Traian. to curie Chrift. When the Emperour Herat-lira fent Embaffadours to Chofroes Kingof Perfato defire,Peace of him , he received this Dial, csdre. threatning anfwer; Iwill not fpare you,till Ihave made you curie your crucifiedGod, and adore the Sunne. He was afterwards ( likeanother Senacherib) depofed and.murthered. by his own jiroes. e.4ndbeing exceedingly mad, Iperfecuted ] He was not then fo mad in perfecuting , but, whenGod turned the ftreame , he was . cor.5.13, judgedby tome as mad_ in preaching, and pressing toward the big