Chap26 A Commentary upon the ACTS. 195 high prize which he perfecuted ( that's his word, Phil. 3.14,) with as mucheagernefle, as ever he had doneGods poor Saints and Servants. Verfe 14. I heard a voice] I not only faw align ; fo in the transfiguration, a voicecame forth to them from the Excellent Glory. Signo verbum efl conjungendum. God in the Sacraments, for the furtherance of our Faith, affects both ourlearned Senfes Ariflotle calleth our fight and hearing: giving us his word both audibleand viable. Verfe 18. To open their eyes mac.] An excellent defcription ofSaint Pauls commiffion to preach by the fiveends or effec4s of it , viz. Converfion , Faith , Remiffion of fins, Sanftifi- cation -, Salvation. Verfe 20. worlds meet for Repentance] Gr. worthy of Re-. pentane, that weigh juft as much as Repentance doth. The Sy- riack hath it, Works equall and even with Repentance. See my Noteon Matt. 3.8. Verfe 21. Went about to hill me] gr. To tear me in peeces, d?x iQat or pull me limb-meale with their own hands, as the Senatours did Romulus, and afterward Cefar. The Italians that ferved the French King, having taken the Townof Barre, did out ofhatred of Reli- gion rip up a living Child, and taking ont his Liver being as yet A& &Mon; red hot, they did eate it as meat. Many Children there at the foi.,95,. fame time had their hearts pulledout, which in rage thofe Canni- ball-Papifts gnawed with their teeth. Verfe 28. e.4lmol thou perfwadefit me] Here he was nigh Cods Kingdome, who yet (for oughtwe find) never came there. Almoft he could be content to be, but Altogether may chance bring a chainwith it. Mu will not part with his calves, left he venture his Kingdom. Policy is ever entringcaveats againft Pie- ty. It is thought of Cardinali Toole, that toward his latter end, a little before his coming fromRome to .England, he began fome- what to favour theDoctrine ofLuther, andwas no leffe füfpec`ted at Rome,and therefore put by the Popedom. Notwithftanding the fort &4en, ; pomp andgloryof the world did afterwards carry him away to play the Papift. Verfe 29. /would that all] Charity is no churle c there is no envy in fpirituall things , becaufe they may be divided infolidum One may haveas much as another, and all alike, B-b b b CzzF'>