Venning - BX5133 .V44 W3 1654
BackHiders. V I. Beleevers at firft, upon their firft advance heaven - ward,while they put their foot forward to eternal life; Ohow watchful were they over their hearts, and over their wayes, killing finne in the very fira motions ufit ! I dare fay, that a thought of being proud, a thought of being covetous,: a thought of finning hath pierced their fouls as afword; and O how have they gone mourning all that, day long, wherein they have found an earthly minde, and an inclination to decline from God! so tender were their foules that if Satan did but offer a temptation,their very hearts rife, I,and in their might they rife up againÃf ir, and were fo truly confci_ encious, that they abflained from it,. I, and abhorred the very appearances ofevil; IF a thing did but look like finne, though it were not a finne; yet if it did but look like a fume, O how were they afraid to look at it! how would they hand at a dif}ance from pitch,' 45 r- n ,
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