Vincent - BX9318 V46 1678

E 43 Read of rejoicing in your Sanaification and Salvation. tti put us not to (hake off the dull of our feet againft you ! Turn not all our love and labours,tokindle a greater fire for yo it mifery. Remember, that even the merciful Saviour of Souls bath fàid, that it fhall be eafier yet for Sodom and Gomorra) in the day of judgment than for fuch. Fire from Heaven declared the wrath of God againft Sodom and Gomorrah and will you yet have a more dreadful fire ? And what moveth you to all this ? Do they perfwade you to any thing clifhonefl;, or to your hurt ? Will you defpiiè all our Counfel, and go to Hell rather than love God, and learn and do his holy will , and live in the delightful hopes of Heaven, and in love, peace and good works towards one another ? This is all that we perfwade you to. .Andy` will it not torment your Confciences for ever to re- member, that this was all that you fled from God for, and that you avoided more than fin and Hell ? Secondly, I have told you that your own ánterefl is more concerned in the iuccefs of our Miniftry, than our joy ; I next tell you, ;hat it is inhumane ingratitude to deny us fuch