Vines - BV4270 V5637 1646

8 ;R. A sermon preached before the Honourable Pfa1,24.4.5. (ball receive the ble jfing from the Lord, and righteaufnes from the God of his fálvation. I £hall now come to the matter of the Text which I will handle. i. In the two parts of it diflin1ly. Cleanfe your hands, purifie your hearts. z. As thefe two parts are in connexion one with the other : cleanfe your hands, and purify your hearts. 3. As they !land both together, in reference to our drawing nigh to God, and his drawing nigh to us. Draw nigh to God, and he vvill draw nigh to you. Cleanfe your hands, &Nc. You may eafily fee that here is very little fpecu- lative, or notionall matter, but praaicall, and fuch as will fall molt properly into ufe, and into matter of application. We have now to deal vvith your hearts and hands, and not your brain. Here vvillbe no fine thin tvafers which vvill melt upon your tongue, and vaniíh in a little fweetnes and yet fuch novelties and running banquets are all for the palate of thele queafy times Religion! how art thou turned into a kinde of Philofophyof opinións, in danger to he 'a: me ft. fcëptiek,, or terra incognita, an every thing, a nothing, a thirìg fi a vvanton fancy to play withall,:a fcnootli't6irigue to talk of, made up of a brain and ä mouth,rttt7 out heart and hands. How can it be otherwife when the tree of knowledge is much prefe d be- fore the tree of life From the firfl part, Gle nfe ÿ'ó -hd viers, I obferve; 1. A