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A Sermon preacbed before the Honourable fills it fullofda.rknes . Its true there is in a double minded man, foreeye to'God, that is, fo as to ufe his name to fèrve felf -ends, or to colour and cover his fìnifler aims ançi intentions. As a har- lot whole heart goes after unchafl loves, will yet have a husband too, (that is) to colour and hide her lewdnes ; fach are thefe which are dou- ble hearted: they have a Sabbath for God, and fix dayes fort Heir lulls : they retain to God, and wear his cloth, and fometinnes wait and attend, but they are their own men for the moll part, andwork for them felves ; Religion unto them is but the fralking horfe, under the fides whereof they creep, to get a (hoot at their own game ; hdw often loth God in Scripture finde fault with this kinde of profeffours ' when ye failed, faith he, zech.7.5. did ye at all fag unto me, even unto me ? and again, when they howled upon their beds, they have not cryed unto me with their heart, they - afiemble themfelves for corn and wine, and they.rehell againfl me, Hef.7.r4. An ¡frac lite that is without guile, that hath but one heart, is a rare man, and worthy of an Ecce. behold, in- deed an Ifraclite. In the opening of this point, I (hall follow the threed of that explication of this word ( double minded) which I gave in the beginning. 1. This double rnindednes is an uncertainty of the heart with God, not fixed upon a center, but off and on, as times, occafions, and interefls doe lead on, or draw,off, lo farre you will goe with God, as your way and his doe fall out to hold together: