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SEAM: VII.] A HOPEFUL YOUTH, &C. 1I3 heir of heaven, but he valued his inheritance on earth much more : He wished for the love of God, but would enjoy and love this world too ; and rather than renounce the pleasantthings of this life, he would quit his pre- tences to a life to come ; for he went away grieved and full of sadness, at the direction which our Saviour gave him, and would not venture the experiment. He for- sook Christ and heaven, having great possessions on earth. It is not necessary to our purpose, to know whether, in the following years of his life, he was brought to re- pentance and salvation, though it is most likely that he never was ; for if he loved his estate and his money, so well in his younger years, that vice probably increased with his age. Besides, he stands in the history of the gospel, as an example of those men, who lose heaven for the love of money. But howsoever it might be after- ward, this is certain, that at that time he was in the state of sinand death; which is sufficient to my present design. From the words of my text, set in this light, and com- pared with the issue of the whole conversation, between Christ and this young man, we may derive this doc- trine. Doct. Our Saviour had some love for a person that preferred this world to heaven, and neglected his salva- tion. In order to improve this thought, we shall consider, I. What is meant by the love of our Saviour to this young man, and to persons ofhis character. II. What was there in him that might attract our Sa- viour's love. III. What remarks may be made upon the sin and folly of a person so lovely, and so beloved of Christ. IV. Make an address to three sorts of persons, taking the occasion from the character of the person in my text. First, What is meant by the love of our Saviour to this young man, and how far may lie be said to love a person who is void of true grace, and neglects salvation. Here, I conceive, we are not to look upon our Lord Jesus Christ as acting according to his divinity, but only in his human nature; for it is evident that Christ, con- VOL. I. 1