Watts - Houston-Packer Collection BX5207.W3 S4x 1805 v.1

122 A HOPEFUL YOUTH [sEgm.vn. I believe to be in a state of sin and death, and have no present hope of his salvátion. How could holy parents- fulfil their duties of affection to their wicked children? or pious children pay due respect to sinful parents? How could a believer fulfil the law of love to an unbe- lieving brother, or a dearer relative, if we ought to admit of no love to persons that are in a state of enmity to God? How can we be followers of Gód as dear children; if we are not kind to the unthankful, and to the evil ? Luke vi. S5. To those who have nothing of serious religion in them ? Gal. vi. 10. As wehave oppor- tunity, let us do good to all men, especially to themwho are ofthe householdoffaith. As God has a peculiar love for his own children, for those who are renewed, and sanctified, and formed into his likeness; so ought we to love all the saints with a peculiar kind of affection, and take special delight in them, we should express a love of intimate fellowship unto them; a Jove of divine friendship, of spiritual plea- sure, and hearty communion ; rejoicing together with them in God our common Father, in Christ Jesus our common Head, and in the hope of our common Salva- tion; and we should ever be ready, in the first place, to assist and support them, and supply their wants accord- ing to the calls of providence. But sinners also must have some share in our love. ;id Remark. How different is the special love of God, from the natural love of man ! God seeth not as man seeth ; he appoints not persons to eternal life, because of some agreeable accomplishments which they possess in this life. Jesus Christ himself, considered as God, did not bestow his special and saving love upon that young Israelite, whom, as man, he could not help loving. So Samuel was sent to chuse a king for the Jews, among the sons of Jesse, 1 Sam. xvi. 6 When he saw Eliab appear, he looked on him, and said, Surely the Lord's anointed is before him; but the Lord said to Samuel, ver. 7. Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature, because I have refused him. Old Jesse, it may be, was ready to look upon his eldest son too, being pleased with his tall and comely figure, and to say within himself, " It is pity that Eliab was not made a king." But David was God's beloved.