sEilM. 'vim} 1ALLLNG SHORT OF HEAVEN. 147 is the disciple who was taien into the holy woun ':, ail James and Peter, and saw our Lordglorified before tile time; this is the disciple who leaned on his bosom at the holy supper, and was indulged the ritnost freedoin of ¡conversation with his Loud, John xiii. 23, 24, 25. This is the man who Obtained this glorious title. The discipl; whom Jesus loved ; that is, with a distinguishing and particular love. As God, and as a Saviour, he loved them all like saints; but as man, he loved St. John like a friend, John xxi. 20. and when hanging upon the cross and just expiring, he committed his .mother to his care; á. most preciousand convincing pledge of special friendship. O how happy are the persons who most nearly resem- ble this apostle, who are thus privileged, thus divinely blessed! How infinitely are ye indebted to God your Benefactor, and your Father, who has endowed you with so many' valuable accomplishments on earth, and , assures you of the happiness of heaven? It is he who has made you fair, or wise it is he who has given you ingenuity, or riches, or, perhaps, has favoured you with all 'tfiëséTand yet has weaned your hearts from the love of this world, and led you to the pursuit of eternal life : It is he that 'has cast you iii so refined a mould, and given you so sweet a disposition, that has inclined you to sobriety and every virtue, has rá to ho- nour and esteem, has made you possessors of all that is desirable in this life, and appointed' you a nobler inhe- ritance, in that which is to come. What thankfulness does every power of your natures owe to your God ? that heaven looks down upon you, and loves you, and theworld around you fix their eyes upon 'you,. and love you : That God has formed you in so bright a resem- blance of his own Son, his first- beloved, and has or- dained you joint-heirs of:' heaven with him, Rom. viii. 17. Watch' hourly against the temptations of pride ; re- member the fallen angels, and their once exalted sta- tion; and have'a care iest ye also be puffed up, and fall into the condemnation of the devil. Walk before God with exactest care, and in deepest humility. Let that divine.veil be spread over all your honours, that as you are the fairest iinagca of Christ, ye ina' be dressed like L2