Watts - Houston-Packer Collection BX5207.W3 S4x 1805 v.1

168 THE HIDDEN LIFE OF A CHRISTIAN, [SEEM. IX. leading on his legions to triumph, and fetch robes of honour, and branches of palm to describe that trium- phant army of christian conquerors ? The scripture makes use of these resemblances, indeed, in great con- descension, to represent the glories of that day, because they are the brightest things we know on earth. But they sink as far below the splendors of the resurrection, as earth is below heaven, or time is shorter than eternity. What is all the dead lustre of metals, and silks, and shining stones, to the living rays of divine grace spring- ing up, and shooting into full glory ? Faith into sight, hope into enjoyment, patience into joy and victory, and love into its own perfection? 'Then all the hidden vir- tues and graces of the saints, shall appear like the stars at midnight, in an unclouded sky. Then shall it be made known to all the world, these were the men that wept and prayed in secret; it shall be published then in the great assembly, these were the persons whowrestled hard with their secret sins, that sought the face of God, and his strength, in their private chambers, and they are made more than overcomers through him that bath loved them. The poor trembling christian who lived this hid- den and divine life, but scarce knew it himself, nor durst appear among the churches on earth, shall lift up his head, and rejoice amidst the church triumphant; and the hidden seed of grace, that was watered with so many secret tears, shall spring up into a rich and illustrious harvest. This is the day which shall bring to light a thousandworks of hidden piety, for the eternal honour of Christ and the saints; as well as the hidden things of darkness, to the sinner's everlasting confusion, Mat. xxv. and 1 Cor. iv. 5. Thus the spiritual life of christians, which was con- cealed in this world, shall appear in the other in full brightness; and they themselves shall be amazed to see what divine honours, Jesus the Judge shall cast upon their poor secret services and sufferings. But in what supreme glory shall their life display it- self, when both parts of the human compound are re- joined after so long a separation ! This is life eternal indeed, and joy unspeakable. How gloriously shall the perfections and honours, both of body and mind, unfold