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192 NÈkRNEss ro 4e15. [st>zra. xr. HYMN FOR SERMONS IXA ANDX. THE HIDDEN LIFE OF A CHRISTIAN. còmm.,t o ILIPFY soul, that lives oh high, While men lie groveling here ! Ills hopes are fixed above the sky, Aud faith forbids his fear. His conscienceknows no secret stings, While grace and joy combine To form a lite, whose holy springs Are hidden and divine. He waits in secret on his God; His God in secret sees : Let earth be all in arms abroad, He dwells,in heavenly peace. METRE. $is pleasures rise from things utíseett, Beyond this world and time, Where neither eyes nor ears have been, Nor thoughts of mortals climb. He wants no pomp, nor royal throne To raise his figure here; Content, and pleas'd to live unknown, Till Christ his life appear. He looks to heaven's eternal hills, To meet that glorious day ; Dear Lord, bow slow thy chariot- wheels! How long is thy delay ! SERMON XI. NEARNESS TO GOD THE FELICITY OF CREATURES. t'sALM lay. 4. Blessed is theman whom thou chusest, and causest to approach unto thee, that he may dwell in thy courts. THE FIRST PART. IT was an elegant address that the queen of Sheba made to Solomon, when she had surveyed the magnifi- cence of his court, and had heard his wisdom ; " Happy are thy men, and happy are these thy servants, who stand continually before thee !" 1 Kings X. 8. And there was much truth and honour in her speech. But the harp ofllavid strikes a diviner note; Blessed is the man whom thou chusest, O God, that he may approach unto thee, and dwell in thy courts, in tht4 holy sanc- tuary ! Whether, in these words, the Psalmist blesses those levites and priests, whose duty it was to attend theark, and to dwell near the tabernacle, or whether he pro- nounces blessedness on every man of Israel, whose habi, tation nigh the ark gave him frequent opportunities to