BERM. XII.1 THE SCALE O' BLESSEDNESS, 225 darkness, and the explication of them surrounded with dangers. A particular knowledge of these divine un- searchables, any farther than scripture has revealed them, is by no means necessary either to begin, or to maintain our state of grace. Let us content ourselves a few years longer with humble ignorance, and we shall have brighter discoveries in the future world, if it be ne- cessary there to fulfil our happiness, and to complete our state of glory. HYMN FOR SERMONXII. ME SCALE OP BLESSEDNESS; OR, BLESSED SAINTS, BLESSED SAVIOUR, AND BLESSEDTRINITY. COMMON METRE. ASCEND, my soul, byjust degrees, Let contemplation rove O'er all the rising ranks of bliss, Here, and inworlds above. Blest is the nation near to God, Where he makes known his ways s Blest are the men whose feet have trod His lowercourts ofgrace. Blest were the levite and the priest, Who near his altar stood ; Blest are the saints from sin releas'd, And reconcil'd withblood. VoL . T. Blest are the souls dismiss'd from clay, Before his face they stand : Blest angels in their bright array, Attend his great command. Jesus is more divinely blest, Where man to godhead join'd, IIath joys transcending all the rest, More noble and refìn'd. But, Owhat words orthoughts can tr4r The blessed three in one ! Here rest my spirit, and confess The infinite unknown.