Watts - Houston-Packer Collection BX5207.W3 S4x 1805 v.1

12S APPEARANCE r.EPORE GOD [SEAM XIIT. in heaven; beside the many sweet experiences which David had of sensible discoveries of God in counsel and grace, strength and consolation, in his public worship. And have not christians, under the gospel, as great a reason to expect the special presence of God among them in his ordinances? Are they not appointed on purpose to bring God near to us, and to bring us near to God? llave we not an express promise of God himself, dwelling in flesh, :thatwhere two or three are gathered together in his name, he will be in the midst of them, 2W(tt.'xviii. 2O. and is not Christ worthy of credit? llave we not his word there published and preached ? Doth not God appear there very eminently, in the glory of his truth,, in the heautyof his holiness, in the purity of,his commands, in the terrorof his threatenings, in the sweethess of his promises, in the wonders of his wisdom and power, and more amazing works of his grace and love? Doth not the Lord discover himself there in the majesty of his government, in the miracles of his provi- dence, and the divine glory of his fore knowledge in Prophecies exactly fwlfilled ? Surely that man must be blind' indeed, who sees not God in the holyscriptures. Will you say, " All this maybe seen and read at home in private, as well as in a public assembly ?" But you inust remember, that even the written word of God was communicated to the most part of mankind only in pub- lic worship, for some thousands of years: for before the art of printing was invented, one bible was scarce to be found in several hundred houses, and very few of the common people were capable of reading ; nor could they know the written word but by their attendance on the public ministrations of it. And in our day, how many are there who either do, or will know very little of reli- gion, but what they hear at church. ( Besides the written word of God . is given to be ex- pounded by his ministers, that the gospel beingpreached at large, and the truths of it being particularly applied, his presence and glory may appear therein. Many parts of scripture are so obscure, that God stands, as it were, behind a veil, or a curtain, till, in the ministry of the word, the sense is explained, the veil removed, andGod stands forth to sight in the open glories, of his majesty,