446 CHRISTIAN MORALITY, Cl2, CHASTITY, í%Cr ESERM. X&VIf. sister, and brother, would be confounded, and almost abolished among mankind; and what dismal conse- quenceswould hence ensue ? In what helpless circum- stances would children be then brought into this world ? And many of the ends of human society would become frustrate and vain. I confess, indeed, that several of these vices were practised in the heathen world without any inward re- morse pf the mind, without private reproof or public shame. Some of these impurities were allowed by the laws of their country ; some were indulged at festivals, and sometimes they were mingled With their religious ce- remonies, and made part of the worship of their gods Idol gods! Abominable religions'. Base andshameful worshippers ! For it is a shame, saith the apostle, even to speak of those things that aredone in secret; those un- fruitful works of darkness. Eph. v. II, 12. Yet there have been several of the grave, the sober, and the wisest among the gentiles, who being constrained by the mere force of reason, have spoken against these corrupt prac- tices, and have adorned the virtue of chastity with many honourable encomiums. But how doubtful soever this duty hath been reckoned among the heathen nations, yet it is made necessary by the principles of the christian religion, and a strong and severe guard of prohibitions and threatenings is set all around to secure the practice of it. Now that I may speak of this subject as becomes me, and recommend it in language pure and undefiled, I shall set before you some of those scriptures, that bear witness, against all the violations of it, under the following heads : I. The express precepts of the law of Goddemand the first place in this catalogue of divine testimonies against impurity, for they were delivered at mount Sinai to ma- ny hundred thousands at once, they were ushered in with lightning, and pronounced with thunder. Ex. xx. 14. Thou shalt not commit adultery. This is the seventh command : And that there may not be the least tendency toward this sin, the tenth command is set as a preservative and defence, thou shalt not só much as covet thy neighbour's wife, verse 17. In this epitome and sum of the laws of God, whereby he rules his creatures, which is called the decalogue or ten commandments, IMM