( 454 ) HYMN .FOR SERMON XXVII. CHRISTIAN MORALITY, viz. CHASTITY. COMMON METRE. THELord, how great his majesty ! How pure are all his ways ! Sinners unclean offendhis eye, Nor standbefore his face. Thou hast ordain'd immortal.woes, And everlasting fire, To be the just reward of those Who follow loose desire. I hear, I read the dreadful doom; Of Sodom in thy word ; And daresa feeble worm presume, Thus to provoke the Lord ? Dear Saviour, guard me by thy grace, From thoughts and words unclean, Nor let temptation gain success To draw soy soul to sin. SERMONXXVIIL CHRISTIAN MORALITY, viz. A LOVELY CARRIAGE, &c.., PHILIP. iv. 8. Whatsoever things are lovely,---think on these things. Ocra 9reo6l1%m, &C. MAN was a lovely creature in his first formation and innocence, however he has been debased and dishonoured by the fall. Now there is nothing in all the religion of Christ but what tends to restore man to the excellencies of his original state, or to exalt him above them, and to .render him all over amiable. To this end truth and sin- cerity are recommended to him in the gospel, with a ve- nerable decency in all his conduct. To this end he is required to practise justice to his neighbour, and to keep himself pure and chaste from all the vices of sensuality. Thus tar we have proceeded in improving the text. And the man who has attained thus far, has many lovely qua- lities belonging to him, such as lay. a foundation for, a good report, and deserve our praises. Yet there are many things in human conversation, which do not directly fall under the commands of truth and gravity, justice and purity : These the apostle recom- mends to the Philippians, under the following characters, Tiz. things that are lovely, that are of good report, deeds of virtue, and worthy of praise.