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SEAM. III.1 INWARD WTTNESS TO CHRISTIANITY. 39 ed by a parcel of fishermen, and invented by a carpen- ter, and his followers that published it had no more learning than he ? blow is it possible such a religion should be from God, that bath so much of unlearned simplicity in it But the christian can tell them, that all the wisdom and learning of the philosophers could never do such miracles as this gospel has done, could never work such a divine life and temper in my heart. When the Jews shall say, How can this be the Mes- siah ? For the Messiah, the Son of God, must be a great King, the Governor of the earth, must deliver the Jews from their slavery, must have power over all the nations; how could this be the Messiah, that was cruci- fied among his countrymen, and we, with our fellow- citizens, joined together to put him to death, and he lay like a mere mortal in his grave ? How can this be the Saviour, or can his religion be true ?" The christian, that is called of Clod, 4nd has found the witness in him- self, makes answer, he that was fòolishness to the Greeks, and a scandal to the Jews, is the wisdom of God, and the power of God to me, I have seen my sins nailed to the cross of this Redeemer ; I have found a way for the pardon of all my iniquities, and the satis- faction of my conscience (which was before full of an- guish) in and from the cross of this Messiah ; I have found holiness wrought in my soul by the belief of this gospel ; I have felt such virtue proceeding from this Saviour, that I, who was before all over unclean, and defiled, am, in somedegree, made holy : This gospel, therefore must be from God, and this is the Messiah his Son. When the deists of our age shall object and say, " How can ye believe such a religion to be divine, that is delivered in so poor and mean a way, as the story of Christ, and all the strange doctrines of your gospel ? How can the bible be the word of God ? Not only be- cause there are so many obscurities andmystical speeches in it, that a learned man in our day would be ashamed to write it? How can this gospel be the revelation of God, that wants so much of the beauty of oratory and strong reasoning, which the wisdom of man pretends to, and daily performs ?" But the christian answers; " The gospel that is contained here, must be from God : For D4