Watts - Houston-Packer Collection BX5207.W3 S4x 1805 v.1

SIAM. tI7t.1 A Ò00D REPORT, &C. 415 his fellow-creatures : on the contrary, there are several other practices, which it is not easy to prove directly sin- ful, yet they are of ill report, and they ought not to be in- dulged among christians. Among these practices ofgood report, some are changeable with'the times and customs of the country, and they obtain a different character and esteem, according to the age and place wherein we dwell; others always and in all places among sober and wise men, obtain the same character ;. they have been in all ages and in all nations, esteemed things ofgood report : Thenature of them seems to be unchangeable : And it is this sort of actions only that I shall take notice of. By various particulars this head will be better illustrated and im- proved, than it canbe by any general descriptions. It is a matter of good report to mind our own busi- ness, yet to be of a public spirit, to be regular in our con- duct, to keep the best company, to abstain from the uti most bounds of things lawful, and in doubtful matters, to follow the practices of the wisest and the best. As.I dis- course upon. each of these particular"s, I shall observe what are those opposite practices of evil report, which we ought to avoid. I. It is a thing ofgood report to mind our own busi= ness. The holy apostle requires it ; ] Mess. iv. 11. That ye study to be quiet and to do your own business." One would think there should be no need 'of study and appli- cation in order to be quiet ; but some persons are ofAso turbulent and restless a temper, that they naturally inter" meddle with every thing': They had need take pains with themselves to keep themselves; quiet, and busy only in their proper work. The word in the Greek ¢i?oripcstóoaR signifies that we should be ambitious of quietness and di- ligence inour calling, for it is a matter of honour and cre- dit. In whatsoever station we are placed, it is industry must gain reputation. There are other great and value ableadvantages of it, butI confine myselfnowto this one, that it is a thing ofgood report among men. If persons are called to magistracy, let Them attend to the workof their superior post. Let them rule and go- vern with all diligence, and fulfil that office well, .with which God has intrusted them. Let them employ them- selves much in their proper sphere, and not wear the