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FLESH AND SPIRIT, &C. [SERM. IV. state of trial, in order to future rewards and punish- ments ? And may lie not forbid your spirit to .comply with these inclinations of nature and the flesh, as a test ofyour obedience to God your Maker ? Is it not proper there should be some difficulties to conquer in, such a probationary state? And if the God who made you, has actually appointed the matter of your probation or trial, to be a conflict of the spirit with flesh and blood, has he not a right to ;make this appointment? And does not your own reason and conscience tell you, that you de serve his anger and'severe punishment, if you abandon yourself to all the wild motions and extravagancies of bodily appetite, which be requires you to resist and subdue? Bethink yourselves, O sinners, how you will answer it to God another day; that when he has given you a soul, a spirit, a conscience to fight against fleshly lusts, you should nourish arid indulge them hourly? When he has offered his grace to change your corrupt natures, and has sent his only Son, and his eternal Spirit to pur- chase pardon for past sins, and to make new creatures of you ; when he has taught you your duty, and offers divine aids to fulfil it; when he both entreats you as a friend, and commands you as a God, to resist these lusts of the flesh effectually, and be for ever holy and happy : that you should neglect the laws and the mercies . ofa great and condescending God, and still run riot in the pursuit of forbidden passions and pleasure? Canyour hearts endure, or your hands be strong in the day that the God of vengeance shall appear in flaming fire, to make enquiry into such rebellion ? Can you be so stu- pid as to hope, that the poor pretences of flesh and nature, will screen you from just and almighty indig- nation ? Awake, awake, O mistaken creatures, and let the man within you resume its place, and reason and con- science do their office. Awake from this vain and dan- gerous dream, this fatal security, and wilful blindness. Rouse the powers of your souls to arm, and fight in opposition to the sinful flesh; arise and bestir yourselves ere the time of trial be ended, and the decisive sentence of an ofended God, Gloom you to miseries that have no end,