Watts - Houston-Packer Collection BX5207.W3 S4x 1805 v.1

74 FLESH AND SPIRIT, &C." CSERM. IV. Remark V. How much do our fellow-christians de- serve our pity, that labour under great difficulties, and great darkness, through the perverse humours of their flesh ? through the untoward constitutions of their na- ture, through the peevish, or proud, or malicious, or passionate tempers of their mortal body ? Some have a more wrathful, some a more wanton mixture of blood and natural spirits ; others again are more melancholy in their constitution, are ready to over- whelm themselves withdespair and unbelieving sorrows; they go on fighting and mourning all the day long, with many ,a violent contest, many a groan and struggle, many a sharp combat, and perhaps with many a wound too. They are often upon their knees for strength to subdue this ever present enemy the flesh, and can gain but little advantage ; they are fighting from day to day, and their sins are so powerful still, that they think they never get nearer to the conquest : they labour and toil, pray and endeavour to obtain divine assistance, and yet are too often overcome. This is the case of many a ehristian who bath some strong corruption mingled with his constitution, Let us pity such, and pray for them too, and not be hasty in censuring their character and their state :. Bless God if your constitution be of a hap- pier mould, and if your trials are not so great, and your temptations so heavy as theirs. But you will say, " They sin often, and fall very foully, and dishonour religion more than you." Itmay be so : but it may be they fight harder than you do, and labour with more assiduity, and exercise more grace than ever you did, and yet are more frequently over- come by sin; so strong is the constitutional iniquity in some natures, more than it is in others. Therefore, while you condemn the sin, let not the poor striving mourning sinner be censured heavily as to his character, or as to his state. It was said of a very great man of God heretofore, that he had grace enough for ten men, but not half enough for himself, becausehis natural con - stitution.was so very violent and passionate. When thou seest therefore a christian often in sorrow, confessing his follies, and continually humbled under a sense of the levity of his spirit, or the vanity of his na- tural temper; when he grieves, that in such and such a 1